George Herbert to Faraday   22 August 1862

Trinity House, London, E.C. | 22nd August, 1862.


I am directed to transmit you the accompanying Copy of the questions put to the Permanent Lime Light Company in relation to the applicability of that Light to Light House purposes1, and of the replies of the Company, and I am to state that the Elder Brethren will be glad to receive any observations you may have to make thereon.-

I am, | Sir, | Your most humble Servant, | George Herbert | Assistant Secy

Professor Faraday, | &c &c &c

This copy is in LMA CLC/526/MS 30108/4/126 and is the response to Faraday’s questions in letter 4191. Faraday’s reply has not been found, but it was read to Trinity House By Board, 26 August 1862, LMA CLC/526/MS 30010/44, p.46.

Please cite as “Faraday4212,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 26 July 2024,