Samuel Wilberforce1 to Faraday   14 November 1862

Nov 14. 1862

My dear Professor Faraday

Will you allow me to introduce to you my brother the Rev Henry Wilberforce2 who prays me to do so. However much you may with me condemn his intellectual conclusions you will honour the conscientiousness which led him to resign a living of £1,000 a year to obey what he believed to be the voice of God3.

I am most sincerely yours | S. Oxon

Professor Faraday

Samuel Wilberforce (1805–1873, ODNB). Bishop of Oxford, 1845–1869.
Henry William Wilberforce (1807–1873, ODNB). Roman Catholic convert and journalist.
Henry Wilberforce had become a Roman Catholic in 1850, thereby giving up his valuable living of East Farleigh.

Please cite as “Faraday4254,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 3 May 2024,