Faraday to Henry Bence Jones   25 November 18621

25 Novr. 1862

My dear Dr Bence Jones,

I have put M. Wiener2 on provisionally - that the Managers consent3 - for I find that their consent was asked once before on the part of Lady Rumford4.

I send you a proposition on the part of one of our Members - have told him the F.E. are full up to Easter5.

Ever Yours truly | M. Faraday

This letter is black-edged due to the death of Margaret Barnard, see letter 4236.
Karel Wiener (1832–1887, NNBW). Dutch sculptor and medallist.
See RI MM, 1 December 1862, 11: 453 which gave Wiener permission to copy a portrait of the adventurer and philanthropist Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford (1753–1814, ODNB) owned by the Royal Institution.
Sarah, Countess Rumford (1774–1852, ACAB). Daughter of Count Rumford. For this earlier permission, see RI MM, 19 June 1835, 8: 365-6 and Prescott (2002), 67.


PRESCOTT, Gertrude M. (2002): “Forging Idenity: The Royal Institution’s Visual Collections”, in James (2002a), 59-96.

Please cite as “Faraday4258,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 8 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday4258