James Timmins Chance to Faraday   December 18621

London Queen’s Hotel Cork St: | W.

My dear Sir,

32 up - 20 aside was the last decided arrangement for the upper prisms.


30 up & 24 aside was the arrangement made by me simply as a basis for our experiments


Lower prism - 25 up - 40 aside, as at Whitby & The Smalls

I purpose having the pleasure of calling on you tomorrow afternoon (say 2 to 4) at the Royal Instn:

If any particular hour tomorrow aftn. will suit you better;- pray send me a line to the Queen’s Hotel;- one minute from the Royal Instn.

Divergence of lower prisms

diagram 2

The difference of the divergence of the prisms themselves of course interferes with any arithmetical progression.

Yours very truly | J.T. Chance.

Dated on the basis the location of the letter in the manuscript.
At the foot of each column Faraday summed the numbers: 192, 110, 302 respectively. Between the first two he wrote the fraction 11/19 and for the last number divided by 6 to obtain 50.

Please cite as “Faraday4275,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday4275