Faraday to Benjamin Vincent   20 August 1863

[Royal Institution embossed letterhead] | Thursday 20 Aug / 63 | London

My dear friend

I waited until last Evening that I might see our Elders; &, knowing that my wife wrote to you yesterday, hoped you would not think me neglectful, in not doing so. I had indeed enough to do in writing to our friends in the North. According to the proposed arrangement I came home on Monday night by the Mail:- arrived here on Tuesday Morning1,- wrote to Mr. Leighton to announce myself,- found last night that Mr. Whitelaw was able to join you next Saturday2 for the Sabbath day, and hope you will be cheered by his company and will meet him with cheerful news.

Mr Sandeman was so kind as to shew me your letter & we were glad thinking that it was cheerful. They often talk of you & look forward to coming events. I think I may say they are pretty well; but the pronoun they is so comprehensive that I ought to doubt least I forget some. We have enjoyed their company very much and found most hearty welcomes there. Indeed all have been as kind as they could be; and it makes one think what is there in or attached to ourselves that draws it forth.

Our visit to Dundee was very pleasant, but I dare not try to give you any account of it. I should fail in the facts & their order;- but love & kindness was every where.

The library is getting on but the time will be short3. The Porters say they cannot do it in the time. The arranging the books in order has taken so much time (they being greatly out of order) that the period is not long enough. The part in the Gallery is all finished but in the part under the Gallery, they will have to leave much as they find it. You will see how that is when you return; & probably Hughes can be useful there. Our love to Mrs. Vincent & Annie Mr Leighton & Mr Whitelaw looked very well last night. Love to all friends with you, from4

B. Vincent E<<sq>> | &c &c &c

That is the night of 17/18 August 1863.
That is 22 August 1863 when Whitelaw arrived in Old Buckenham for a visit until the 24th; DUA Acc M/409/5/3, p.153.
See RI MM, 6 July 1863, 12: 24.
The bottom right corner of the page has been deliberately cut away.

Please cite as “Faraday4355,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday4355