Faraday to Henry Bence Jones   13 September 1864

Hampton Court. | 13. Septr. 1864.

My dear Bence Jones.

Tyndall tells me you are at Folkstone and busy writing1:- I am sorry to disturb you, and if I could would not tempt you to write - but would rather not decide in this case without your authority. Mr. Vincent asks whether he may hope for a fortnights leave of absence in the middle of next month;- he expects to get married2 about that time. The library is all in order & opened and Mr. Hughes will be in constant attendance during this absence if granted:- may I encourage him to hope for it?

I trust you are enjoying the weather & other circumstances at Folkstone and that Lady Millicent is quite well. We think of her and you & Folkstone very often -

Jeannie is not with us but with her father3 & family at Holmwood, or I am sure she would send some message[.]

My dear wife thinks that I have forgotten her in the above note. I ought not to do so for she thinks often & much of you[.]

Ever My dear Bence Jones | Yours | M. Faraday

Probably Bence Jones (1864).
To Ellen Barnard on 11 October 1864.
John Barnard.

Please cite as “Faraday4495,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/faraday/letters/Faraday4495