Ira Erastus Davenport and William Henry Harrison Davenport to Faraday   c.7 October 18641

The Honor of Dr Faraday’s Company is requested at a Private Séance to be given by the Brothers DAVENPORT and Mr. FAY2, with the object of permitting certain so-called “Manifestations” to be tested by two Professors of Legerdemain, who have asserted their ability to expose an alleged fraud, and have been invited to attend the Séance for that purpose.

The Séance will be held at 326, Regent Street, on Tuesday. 11th of October 1864, at 3 o’clock precisely, in the presence of a select number of eminent Scientific and Literary Gentlemen3.

An early reply would be esteemed a favor.

Mr. Boucicault4 has kindly granted the use of his house 326. Regent Street for the Séance - where replies may be addressed.

Dated on the basis that letter 4500 was the reply.
William Marion Fay (d.1921, age 81, VBMD). Manager of the Davenport Brothers.
For an account of this séance, which took place in Faraday’s absence, see Anon (1868), 331.
Dion Boucicault (1820–1890, ODNB). Actor and playwright.

Please cite as “Faraday4499,” in Ɛpsilon: The Michael Faraday Collection accessed on 2 May 2024,