Faraday to John Frederick William Herschel   Between 1825 and 1835

Separation of Titanium & Iron

Rose<r>1 says there is only one way by which the iron can be removed i.e by hydrosulphuret of ammonia & weak Muriatic acid[.] See Quarterly Journal of Science xvi p3812 - or Annales de Chemie xxiii, p3533.

Peschier4 gives a process by ferro prussiate of potash[.] See Quarterly Journal of Science xviii p1755 or the Bibliotheque Universelle xxvi p436[.]

Peschier on more particular processes. See Quarterly Journal of Science xix p 1577 or Annales de Chemie xxvii p288[.]

Dear Sir

I send you the above references[.] I do not know whether any of them will suit you. - I have sent the report to Major Kater9[.]

Yours Truly | M. Faraday

Wednesday Morning

Heinrich Rose (1795–1864, DSB). Professor of Chemistry at Berlin University from 1835.
Rose (1823b).
Rose (1823a).
Jacques Peschier (1769–1832, P2). Genevean pharmacist.
Peschier (1824b).
Peschier (1824a).
Peschier (1825).
Peschier (1824c).
Henry Kater (1777–1835, ODNB). Captain in the Royal Engineers and man of science (at one time he held the rank of Brigade Major in the Eastern Military District). Treasurer of the Royal Society, 1827–1830.


PESCHIER, Jacques (1824a): “Recherche sur le Titane”, Bibl. Univ., 26: 43-52.

PESCHIER, Jacques (1824b): “On Titanium”, Quart. J. Sci., 18: 174-5.

PESCHIER, Jacques (1824c): “Moyen de retirer le titane des mineraux, et de le séparer complètement des substances avec lasquelles il s’y trouve combiné”, Ann. Chim., 17: 281-7.

PESCHIER, Jacques (1825): “On Titanium in Mica”, Quart. J. Sci., 19: 157-9.

ROSE, Heinrich (1823a): “Sur le Titane”, Ann. Chim., 23: 353-77.

ROSE, Heinrich (1823b): “On Titanium”, Quart. J. Sci., 16: 381-3.

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