Faraday to Dionysius Lardner1   Late 1831

part? At page 167 a very curious phenomenon has hitherto baffled any attempt to penetrate the cause & sets at nought all the conclusions of theory & inference &c. &c. I cannot admit that. It may have baffled Mr Parkes2 but surely nobody else. The phenomena

See a similar & important case of the temperature of greatest evolution of steam as applicable to steam boats in the last No of the Journal of the Royal Institution p 3933[.]

Ever Dear Sir | Truly Yours | M. Faraday

Dr Lardner. | & & &

Dionysius Lardner (1793–1859, ODNB). Writer and popular lecturer on science. Editor of the Cabinet Cyclopaedia.
Samuel Parkes (1761–1825, ODNB). Chemist and writer on chemistry.
This was a report ‘On the Rapid Production of Steam by heated Metals’, J.Roy.Inst., 1831, 2: 393-5.

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