From James Sowerby   24 April 1820

2 Mead Place, Lambeth

24 April 1820

My dear Sir,

I return your fossils. I hope they will come safely. Be so good as to make my best remembrances to Prof. Sedgwick and do me the favour to return the Amm. Sedgwickii with many thanks. I suppose you attended Prof. Clark’s lecture on Satr y or know that I lent him some Mot. c Iron to show his pupils. I beg to trouble with the enclosed letter for him or rather small parcell, and also for Prof. Sedgwick – any help in either of my catalogues or regarding fossils &c &c will be thankfully rec. d by dear Sir.

Yours very faithfully | J. Sowerby

Isle of Man

  • 343. Anomites punctatus. Martin f. 37.f.6.
  • 344. do
  • 345. Spirifer - Sowerby M. C. 265
  • Lin tran V. 12 pt 2 page 516
  • 348. & 349 Producti ------ J.S.M.C. 59
  • 351. Same as 344. With a spirifer on the other side
  • 352. & 354. Productus Scoticus M.C.59.f.32
  • 355. & 356. Spirifer flattish
  • 357. Cardium new? See M.C.82
  • 361. Productus
  • 362. Same as 344 ?
  • 363. Productus finely striated
  • 364. Same as 344
  • 365. Productus -stria thready with some intermediate ones
  • 373. Productus
  • T 374. Trilobite
  • A 380. Amm. Henslowi M.C.262
  • N 383. Nautilus complanatus M.C.261
  • Pe 397. Pentacrinitis
  • C 400. Caryophyllea ------------------? Lamarck
  • 403. Ditto --------- branching ---------
  • M 404. Madriporite
  • T 405. Tubipore of some
  • 384
  • 385 Entrochi
  • 386
  • 388
  • 389 Carypohyllea
  • 390
  • 391 ditto large
  • 392 ditto pointed
  • 393 ditto rather simpler
  • 394 ditto do
  • 395 Scoria

Please cite as “HENSLOW-1,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 27 July 2024,