From John Taylor 8 April 1839


Apl. 8. 1839

My dear Sir

When I was in Cornwall in Novr I gathered some specimens of Copper Ores for you & I left them with my son with an injunction that they should be so added to as to make up a series of what the mines generally produce & that they should be sent here. He has omitted to do this & the matter had escaped my memory & I am obliged to you for reminding me. I shall send your letter & desire that your wishes shall as far as possible be supplied.

With respect to the products of the smelting processes, we must apply at Swansea & as my old friend Mr Vivian will be in town when parliament reassembles I will ask him to get what you ask for

Yours very Truly

John Taylor

Please cite as “HENSLOW-1028,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 4 May 2024,