To J. C. Dale 18 December 1818


18 Decr 1818

Dear Dale

Upon looking at the date of yr letter I found my neglect has been greater than I was aware since it is a month ago that I received it. I am so constantly serving my friends this way that I hope you add to the No. of those who excuse me for I have no good reason to offer you why I sd not have answered you before. I shd. indeed be very much obliged to you for the Index & only fear it has caused you some trouble to prepare the yrs. I rejoiced at your success last summer, mine has been but trifling, I paid so little attention to the subject, being at the seaside. I employed my time chiefly in collecting marine Animals & shells. I am about to leave Cambridge for the present so your letter wd not reach me here, but if you would be so good as to defer sending it till February next I shall be returned by that time. The old woman of the Fens surprised me the other day by bringing me 2. Machaons one of wch was in capital presentation which she had caught in the long vacation & put by for me. The Chrysomela fulgida wch you took so abundantly on docks I find are reckoned extremely scarce.

Yrs most truly

J. S. Henslow

Please cite as “HENSLOW-1195,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 27 July 2024,