To J. C. Dale 3 June 1820


3d June 1820

My dear Dale,

The Cambridge P. Soc. have resolved upon forming a collection of British Shells & Insects which I have offered to arrange for them. If you have any duplicates to spare pray send them, however common the species; they are certain of being acceptable to so infant a [page ripped]. I was in hopes of seeing you down here during the Machaon season, but the weather has been so very bad that I have had but one good day among them on which I caught 38 many are however very much tattered owing to the wind blowing them among the sedges. I am just leaving Cambridge but shall return on the 24 of this month & intend residing all the summer when I shall be happy to hear from you.

Believe me

Yrs ever sincerely

J. S. Henslow

P.S. It is odd enough we should both think of writing on the same day, for I reopen my letter to say I received yours this morning & thank you for the communication, it will make me more anxious to procure conocephali in Oct. from the old locality. I thought Bulwer was going to Tenby for the summer & not to Dublin

Please cite as “HENSLOW-1198,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 26 July 2024,