To J. C. Dale 28 November 1820

St John's

Novr 28 1820

My dear Dale,

The Society meets for the last time this term on Monday week; I sd. therefore advise you to send your present as soon as possible that I may have the opportunity of presenting it before the vacation. You have indeed been diligent this summer. I quite envy you your success among the fen insects. I looked in vain for Saperda bilineatocollis. The Machaons were taken at Horningsea fen about 4 miles from Cambridge. I have not been in Kent this summer since June & so the Conocephali have had a respite this season; but I shall not forget you when I next fall in with them. I have begun the arrangement with the Coleoptera & specimens of all the species (however common) that you do not want wd be highly acceptable for filling up gaps in the varieties. I wd thank you to send a list with them as it will save me some trouble with those I do not happen to know.

I have not heard of Bulwer since he left England.

The first half volume of the Transactions will be out about Jany. next. We are too poor & subscription too low to give it to the Fellows but they are entitled to it at Booksellers price the same as in the Geological Society. Indeed our funds cannot afford to purchase cabinets necessy. for the collection of shells and insects, but we have on foot a guinea subscription among us (of those fond of this subject) for that purpose & I hope to see 3 cabinets in the room before the end of a twelvemonth. Dr Wood our Master, Dr Wordsworth Trin, Dr Goodhall of Eton & several other worthies have been elected fellows this term. You will hear from the Secy. as soon as the 1t volume is ready with a list of the names, regulations, &c. It makes a very handsome looking 4to & the matter very superior (of some papers).

Yrs most truly

J. S. Henslow

P.S. You may as well direct your box to me & send it per Coach.

I shall put bye all those specimens we do not want & return them by the first opportunity or do with them whatever you choose, for we do not keep duplicates.

Please cite as “HENSLOW-1199,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 27 July 2024,