To George Knights 21 October 1854

H. H. S.

21 Oct 1854

My dear Sir,

I shall probably take a day ticket again before long & will examine the table question. The notice this week does not appear in the Chronicle. I have written Rigaud today in reply about Lectures. I have brought a lot of diagrams from Cambridge. I have a hamper ready to bring. I hope on Monday to send you a Notice for Saturday. I am glad to hear of the plants & will look at them & see how we can contrive a consultable Herbarium. The Dr Hooker alluded to is (I presume) the now Sir Wm.

Yrs very truly

J. S. Henslow

Please cite as “HENSLOW-1288,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 2 May 2024,