From N. J. Winch   28 April 1831

Newcastle upon Tyne

28 April 1831

My dear Sir

Your list of Desiderata, like my own, begins to comprise nothing but rarities and doubtful natives. However during the course of the summer I hope to pick up a few specimens for you, two or three of the Roses mentioned grow in this neighbourhood & some other plants within reach. Lindleys Rubi form a part of your catalogue – if you have Rubus fruticosus, corylifolius & glandulosus you want but few of the Blackberries, except the Highland species R. suberectus & probably the R. leucostachys, neither of which are indigenous here.– Though I do not grudge the carriage of packets from good botanists yet cash may be as well saved.– & as my old friend Huntley of Kimbolton is in constant communication with his relations here, he could transmit me, without inconvenience, anything you may be so kind as send. Probably I have mentioned that exotics, even garden specimens if rare are extremely acceptable – my Herbarium of foreign plants far exceeding in number my british one. If you should see our friend Sedgwick I think he would add a copy of his last address to the Geol: Soc y to your parcel, and pray ask him where Sharks teeth have been found in the carboniferous Limestone of Northumb. d? I cannot help suspecting some mistake, as was the case with the head of a Saurian animal sent to the York museum by Vernon.– That was found in the diluvium. The Natural History Society here are printing my Catalogue Raisonné of the North. d & Durham Flora, it is an extensive one being the result of more than thirty years attention to the subject, when finished, a copy shall be sent you.– In it the three common Primula are made var. s (alpha, beta & gamma symbols) – according to your suggestion, & Anagallis arvensis & coerulea.– alpha & beta – On many species of Rosa & Salix I have had no mercy. They have been long under my notice.– I suspect Juncus nigrisellus grows with us– but the sp. s sent me are not good enough to settle to my satisfaction.

Believe me to be | my dear Sir | yours very sincerely |Nat. J s . Winch

[Printed list of desiderata appended]

Please cite as “HENSLOW-167,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 2 May 2024,