To J. H. Balfour

Dear Sir,

I feel most particularly obliged by the handsome packet of Scotch plants which you sent me- I have so many S. country friends to whom they are always acceptable that any thing of this sort is always most useful to me- I have sent a few specimens, from such duplicates as I have & which I thought might be acceptable- but if you will favour me with a complete list of your desiderata I may perhaps have an opportunity from time to time to diminish it a little- or if you will point out any of our Cambridge species of which you are desirous of possessing more specimens I will endeavour to procure them – I generally sort my duplicates before X mas every year, & shall keep a packet open for you –

Y rs very truly | J.S Henslow

Please cite as “HENSLOW-295,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 27 July 2024,