From Edward Charlesworth   6 August 1847

Museum York

6 August 1847

My dear Sir,

I thought the inclosed lithograph of a Pebble in the possession of our Subcurator Mr Baines would interest you, as I know you have paid some attention to the curious phenomena connected with the concentric lines, which here display some very extraordinary faults – Can you not find time to draw up a notice of this specimen for my Geol. Journal? I will send the original for your examination – the lithograph is most elaborately and beautifully executed – If you can accede to my request on this matter please let me hear from you quickly as I have announced No 4 for Sept (the 1 st) & wish to include this with the other illustrations–

You will see that my list of Sub. s has a very respectable appearance but I want another 100 to pay expenses and this I hope to get by the end of the year. Trusting that yourself and family are well

Believe me dear Sir | very truly yours| Edw Charlesworth

Please cite as “HENSLOW-328,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 26 July 2024,