To J. S. Henslow

[Appended to Letter 97]

Flora of Charnwood Forest & the neighbourhood of Glenfield & Groots pool. Soil slightly sienitic rock & slate excepting near gracedilu which is carboniferous limestone.

3 pages of specimens – needs transcribing

I have several Duplicates of the Viola lutea & Chrysoplenium alternifolium from the neighbourhood of Ludlow, where also I found the Aconitum napellus growing in great abundance on the banks of a little stream called the “Letwycke” which runs into the Teme– Amongst the Mosses ill. del. found in this neighbourhood are the Trichostomum Lameginisum etc… & about 40 other different kinds–

Please cite as “HENSLOW-41,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 27 July 2024,