From H. T. Stainton   10 June 1856

Mountsfield, Lewisham

10 June 1856

Dear Sir,

M r Spence has forwarded me your letter to him of the 2 nd inst, from which I am pleased to perceive what progress you have made in teaching your Village Children to recognize & group the wild flowers of your neighbourhood.

I should be very glad of a copy of the list of Hitcham plants—

As M r Spence seemed to think that “June” would be useful as a Prize for your pupils, I have much pleasure in forwarding you 3 copies to be used for that, or any other purpose to which you think they can advantageously be put.

I have unfortunately never been able to attend the meeting of the British Association, & find that pressure of business will again detain me in town when the meeting at Cheltenham is on

Believe me | Dear Sir | yours very truly | H. T. Stainton

Please cite as “HENSLOW-446,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 2 May 2024,