From C. W. Dilke   26 March 1858

76 Sloane Street | London S.W.

26 March 1858

My dear Sir,

I am anxious to make the Horticultural Society useful to the country at large & have got the consent of the Council to the issuing of a paper of questions preparatory to further stages. In the document I propose to send, your name occurs & I will ask you to read it, not only that you may say if it is correct as far as you are concerned, but in the hope that you will kindly give me the benefit of your knowledge on the subject generally. Do not hesitate to alter & strike out. No one better than yourself knows that I have no knowledge that justifies my serving in the subject, but I have flowers fruit & vegetables & admire my garden, Covent Garden, as much as other people love them

Yours very truly | C.Wentworth Dilke

Please cite as “HENSLOW-501,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 11 May 2024,