From Lord Ducie   9 September [1853-1860]

Tortworth | Wootton under Edge

9 September

Dear Mr Henslow,

Yesterday I found it impossible to bring my Carrots up to the Scratch. They are not sufficiently mature— I dug up 3 samples of onions, which I forward with the necessary statements this day. I hope that another year when we get accustomed to your system, we may enter more fully into the Scheme.

My best 6 x 6 feet of onions is 38¾ lb and consists of 131 bulbs

I am of course liable for the Carrot prize money.

Yours very truly | Ducie

Please cite as “HENSLOW-588,” in Ɛpsilon: The Correspondence of John Stevens Henslow accessed on 8 May 2024,