From John Chadwick   July 27th 1842.

Kinsale | July 27th 1842.

Dear Tyndall

I suppose you have concluded by this time that the blackguard in Kinsale has quite let you slip out of his cullender memory or that he has been taking two throws from the stream of lethe1 but such has not been the case. You may lay the blame upon that foul fiend called procrastination, who is always so ready to step in between your deeds and intentions and by suggesting excuses throws a murky cloud upon the clear day of friendship, and it has been through the aforesaid hazy atmosphere that I have been looking towards you this some time past, to my shame be it spoken my poor ill used chap. But the late dry weather has at length dispelled the blasted vapours and enabled the ink to run free in my pen – in dictating these few foolish lines to you I hope that the following prayer and supplication may produce the intended effect, which is that you will on next Saturday, or sooner if you like, either take the coach for Kinsale or take your staff in hand & stroll down to me and I see no reason why a strong agile young fellow like you should not do so. I of course rely upon your promise, and you might as well come at the time I say as any other. Mr and Mrs Abbott2 will be here and I may promise you a little variety at least. Send me a few lines before you come. I hope circumstances will not prevent you. Bring me ¼ gross of split studs for stays3 from Beales in the South Main St.4 somewhere near the church. They will cost two shillings. Remember me to Latimer, Hunter &c. Give the enclosed paper to Mr Eivers. I had a letter from Richd. Hunter a few days ago. Miss Chadwick5 is longing to see you so do not disappoint her I suppose it will be soon hey over to England with you if you could get the fairy cap6 it won’t save your bowels or disorderafication. I have no news. Matters go on here without much excitement or variety but I expect you will enliven me a bit if you come

In conclusion | I remain very faithfully yours | J. Chadwick.

RI MS JT 1/11/3496

LT Transcript Only

stream of lethe: see letter 0132, n. 1.

Mr and Mrs Abbott: not identified.

stays: corsets (OED).

Beales in the South Main St.: Mary Ann Beale kept a haberdashery shop at 92 South Main Street, Cork (Slater’s).

Miss Chadwick: presumably Chadwick’s baby daughter; see letter 0148.

fairy cap: not identified.

Please cite as “Tyndall0153,” in Ɛpsilon: The John Tyndall Collection accessed on 2 May 2024,