To John Tyndall, Snr   Sunday, (Aug. 7th, 1842)

Liverpool | Sunday

My dear Father

I hasten to transmit to you the news of our safe arrival in Liverpool after a beautiful passage. We started from Cork at 3 o’clock on Friday1 and were safely landed here on yester evening at 8 o’clock. I was no way sick during the passage, tho’ some around me were puking with might and main.2 I cant say where I’ll be sent. Tomorrow will decide. We are to meet our officer at 12 o’clock tomorrow. I have not time to give you a description of the incidents of the passage. I write this fearing you might feel some anxiety on account of my being thrown on the tender mercies of the broad Atlantic. Give my love to my mother and Emma

Good bye | Your affectionate son | John.

RI MS JT 1/10/3277

LT Transcript Only

Friday: 5 August 1842.

might and main: utmost or greatest possible power or strength (OED).

Please cite as “Tyndall0160,” in Ɛpsilon: The John Tyndall Collection accessed on 4 May 2024,