To Michael Faraday   Feb. 4th 1851

Marburg | Feb. 4th 1851.

Dear Sir,

Your last kind letter1 informed me that you were occupied with terrestrial magnetism. I had however read with deep interest previously that you had arrived at the probable origin of that hitherto enigmatical phenomenon – the variation of the needle.

During the last three or four months I have worked at the hem of the same great garment.2 My belief in the living interest you feel in the progress of science encourages me to lay a brief abstract of my investigation before you. It relates however, not to terrestrial magnetism but to electro-magnetism.

The subject of the investigation embraces the following four propositions3: –

1. To determine the general relation of the strength of an electro-magnet and the mutual attraction of the magnet and a mass of soft iron when both are in contact.

2. A constant force, being opposed to the pull of the magnet being applied to the mass of soft iron, to determine the conditions of equilibrium between this force and magnetism, when the distance between the magnet and the force varies.

3. To determine the general relation between force and distance, that is to say, the law according to which the magnetic force decreases when the distance between the magnet and mass of soft iron is increased.

4 To determine the general relation between the strength of a magnet and the mutual attraction of the magnet and a mass of soft iron, when both are separated by a fixed distance.

The first proposition relates to the so called ‘lifting power’ of the magnet which, as you are well aware, has been the subject of manifold investigation. The results however heretofore obtained are incapable of being reduced to anything like law.

To avoid the causes of divergence complained of by previous experimenters a peculiar method of experiment has been adopted, and instead of irregular masses of iron I have made use of spheres. The coincidence of the results is truly surprising.

The reply to the first proposition is, that the force with which the magnet and the sphere cling together is directly proportioned to the strength of the magnet.

The ‘strength of the magnet’ is measured by the intensity of the current which circulates in the surrounding helix and the current was measured by means of a galvanometer of tangent In the investigation the tangent of the angle of deflection is taken as the measure of the strength of the magnet.

The reply to the 2nd proposition is, that when the distance between the magnet and the sphere varies, and a constant force opposed to the magnet is applied to the latter, to hold this force in equilibrium the strength of the magnet must vary as the square root of the distance.

I ought to mention that the ‘distances’ are very small – the unit of distance is of an inch being the thickness of a leaf of foreign post paper; by placing a number of such leaves between the sphere and magnet the distance could be varied at pleasure.

The reply to the 3rd proposition is, that the force varies inversely as the distance.

You may perhaps find some little difficulty in separating the 2nd proposition from the 3rd This will vanish when you consider, that, in the former case a constant force (a weight) operated against the magnet, and the question was one between magnetism and distance:– in the latter case, the magnetism is preserved constant, and the question is one between weight and distance.

The 4th proposition embraces the rather celebrated law of Lenz and Jacobi4 – who solved it by direct experiment. It can however be deduced á priori from the 2nd and 3rd proposition just noticed – I have submitted the deduction to experimental test and found the coincidence remarkably close.

The answer to the 4th proposition is, that the attracting force is directly proportional to the square of the strength of the magnet.

This latter law holds good when a distance of little more than of an inch separates sphere and magnet. Is it not most singular that this small distance should so entirely change the nature of the law? In contact, as before remarked, the attracting force is proportional to the strength of the magnet simply.

A most remarkable analogy exists between some of the results established and the formulae which Poisson has developed for electrified balls.5 I am not at all surprised that Prof. Barlow arrived at the notion, that magnetism is a surface phenomenon.6 As far as I am able to judge at present the whole might be explained on this supposition.

A memoir containing an account of the investigation accompanies this letter to the office of the Philosophical Magazine. The memoir will, I trust, appear on the 1st March.7

When Science is a Republic as you say8 it gains, and yet I dare affirm that no living man knows better than yourself how little benefit is to be derived in this way in comparison with that which results from the solitary communion of the individual with nature. There are people in the world who are very fond of what they call ‘composite ideas’.9 They imagine, if six men come together and talk on a matter, that more will be elicited than if one man held his tongue and simply thought over it. I must say that I have little faith in the proceeding, and if I needed an authority to confirm me in my scept[ic]ism I should without hesitation turn to Professor Faraday.

I remain dear Sir | Most faithfully yours, | John Tyndall.

Professor Faraday | &c &c

RI MS JT/TYP/12/4002–4005

Typescript Only

last . . . letter: letter 0453.

hem of . . . garment: a biblical allusion and Carlylean metaphor. The allusion to the ‘hem’ of the garment is a reference to a woman who was healed merely by touching ‘the hem of his [Christ’s] garment’ (Matthew 9:20). Tyndall thereby expressed both modesty – his topic is small – and ambition – even outer edges can be powerful. The metaphor of nature as ‘the garment’ of God originated with Goethe who said, ‘Nature is the living, visible garment of God’ (Faust) and was explored by Carlyle in Sartor Resartus.

The subject … four propositions: this sentence and the four propositions appear (slightly altered) at the start of the published memoir (letter 0464, n. 2).

law of Lenz and Jacobi: from E. Lenz and M. Jacobi, ‘Ueber die Gesetze der Elektromagnete’, Poggend. Annal., 47:6 (1839), pp. 225–66; was stated by Tyndall as: ‘The attraction between two electro-magnets, or between an electro-magnet and a mass of soft iron, is proportional to the square of the strength of the magnetizing stream’ (‘Laws of Magnetism’ (letter 0464, n. 2), p. 289). Tyndall’s interest in the law was made clear in this letter. See also letter 0458.

formulae … for electrified balls: Siméon-Denis Poisson (1781–1840) was a French mathematician who used Lagrange’s potential function (originally applied to gravitation) ‘to prove the formula for the force at the surface of a charged conductor, and to solve for the first time the charge distribution on two spherical conductors a given distance apart’ (D. Millar , I. Millar , J. Millar, and M. Millar (eds.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists, 2nd edn. (Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 292.

Prof. Barlow: In his ‘On the Probable Electric Origin of all the Phenomena of Terrestrial Magnetism; With an Illustrative Experiment’, Phil. Trans. 121 (1831), pp. 99–108, Barlow recounted his experiments in 1819 when ‘a very remarkable fact was discovered; namely, that all the magnetic power of an iron sphere resides on its surface’ (p. 101).

on the 1st March: Tyndall asked Francis for rapid publication, but it was not published until April. Tyndall appeared to agree with Francis’s reasons for delaying publication in letter 0470.

as you say: letter 0453.

what they call ‘composite ideas’: a concept characteristic of empirical philosophy in the tradition of Locke and Hume.

Please cite as “Tyndall0465,” in Ɛpsilon: The John Tyndall Collection accessed on 28 April 2024,