From Alexander Humboldt1

Die scharfsinnigen und zugleich gründlichen Arbeiten von Herrn John Tyndall sind mir wohl bekannt, und es kann mir daher nur sehr erfreulich sein wenn er mich Montag um 2 Uhr mit seinem Besuch beehren wollte

Mit der innigsten Hochachtung

Ihr Gehorsamster A. V. Humboldt.


RI MS JT/2/6/59

JT Transcript

The astute and at the same time thorough works of Mr John Tyndall are well-known to me, and it would therefore be a great pleasure if he honoured me with his visit on Monday at 2 o’clock.2

With high esteem

Your | most obedient | A. V. Humboldt.


[24 May 1851]: Tyndall received this letter on Sunday 25 May 1851 and copied it into his Journal that day (JT/2//6/59). Humboldt wrote on Saturday (see bottom of letter), that is, 24 May.

Monday: Tyndall described the meeting in his journal entry for Monday, 26 May (JT/2/13b/544) and in letter 0489 (to Faraday).

Please cite as “Tyndall0487,” in Ɛpsilon: The John Tyndall Collection accessed on 28 April 2024,