To William Francis1

The ‘additions which accompany them’2 are the memoirs3 and my diploma – would you not think it well to send both? A couple of scraps from the Athenaeum and Literary Gazette, referring to the affair at Edinburg4 last year might perhaps be sent also. –

I think the matter will be best arranged thus: – tomorrow you will send me the slips;5 this will be sufficient for me. I will send you a copy of each of the four memoirs which I have in my possession together with the diploma; that upon the polarity of bismuth6 and the testimonials may be added to the number; and thus if you would be kind enough to have them all packed up and posted for me the matter would be finally settled. –

If you think it as well to omit the diploma I shall be satisfied with your decision.

You also will be the best judge of the no of copies of testimonials – 10, 12, 15 or 20 [just] as you please.

I think the matter is thus clear – you have a portion of the material; what remains over and above I will send you it remains then to tie them all together and send them adrift. – The name of the President7 is you are aware John M’Caul.

Should I hear from Grove and Wheatstone8 their communications may be sent afterwards.

How I should like to be beside you and Knoblauch9 tomorrow – They are all teetollers down here,10 otherwise I should pledge the health of both you in a bumper11 I shall write to him to Morley’s12 tomorrow. It will reach him in time.

StBPL T&F, Authors’ letters

[c. 10 October 1851]: This letter, like many other October letters, is difficult to date: it is incomplete (but see 0543, n. 1); many allusions are unclear; and many of the letters it can be related to are also undated. Tyndall implied that Francis will have printed copies of the bismuth paper, sent in MS only on 1 October. It appears to come before 0545 to Francis when their plans for forwarding the application to Toronto are more clearly formulated. Moreover, in both this letter and 0545 Tyndall hopes that he will receive a testimonial from Grove, which implies that both date before 13 October (when he would have received letter 0547 from Grove). We suggest c. 10 October.

them: presumably the testimonials.

the memoirs: the passage below implies 4 memoirs (not counting bismuth), presumably the same memoirs Tyndall had sent with requests for testimonials; see letter 0518, n. 2.

affair at Edinburg: the BAAS meeting in Edinburgh, when Tyndall defended his theories against many sceptics (see letter 0418).

the slips: proofs printed on long ‘slips’ of paper before the type is made into pages (OED).

that upon the polarity of bismuth: see letter 0525, n. 2. Tyndall had sent the manuscript to Francis in two parts, (see letters 0538 and 0539).

President: the president of the University of Toronto, to whom the applications were to be sent. Tyndall mentioned receiving information on the application procedure in letter 0538.

Should I hear from Grove and Wheatstone: Tyndall was hoping to receive testimonials from both.

Knoblauch: was touring around Britain in September–October.

down here: at Queenwood.

bumper: a cup or glass filled to the brim, or to overflowing; used particularly in drinking to health.

Morley’s: Morley’s Hotel, where Knoblauch was staying while in London (see letter 0509). It seems that Knoblauch was soon to leave. He had not arrived in Marburg on 19 October but Hirst was expecting him at any time (letter 0553) which supports a mid-October date for this letter.

Please cite as “Tyndall0544,” in Ɛpsilon: The John Tyndall Collection accessed on 6 May 2024,