To William Francis   Sunday1

Queenwood Sunday

My Dear Francis,

I send the review of Hunt’s work2 and should have rewritten it and perhaps added a polish here and there were it not for the reflection that you would never print it3 – If he is a near friend of yours you will be angry with me – I have hit him hard but not half so hard as he deserves – I shall now leave the matter in your hands – do unto it what seemeth to thee good.4

Dein5 | Tyndall

StBPL T&F, Authors’ letters

[7 or 14 December 1851]: there are four undated letters that we have assigned to mid-December. The second, 0589 is clearly an answer to both this letter and letter 0581 of 30 November. This letter dates from after 22 November when Tyndall noted that he was to review Hunt’s book (letter 0569), and would not have been written on the same Sunday as letter 0581 (30 November – 2 December) to Francis. It dates before 26 December when Tyndall revised the review (n. 3). The likely Sundays are 7 and 14 December, although 21 is possible.

Hunt’s work: cited letter 0569, n. 5.

send the review… would never print it: when Francis accepted the review (see letter 0589), Tyndall revised it (Journal, 26 December, JT/2/13b/556).

do unto ... thee good: a biblical allusion expressing submission to higher authority: ‘And he said, “It is the Lord. Let Him do what seemeth to Him good”’ (1 Samuel 3: 18).

Dein: Yours (German).

Please cite as “Tyndall0588,” in Ɛpsilon: The John Tyndall Collection accessed on 10 May 2024,