To William Francis1

My Dear Francis.

Thanks for the Pogg[s] &c.2 which reached me last night.

I now return the proofs of Bunsen;3 the translation appears to read well – I have not meddled with your queries but have added one or two of my own – If I remember aright there is a long list of errata in the next no. of Pogg. probably these have been attended to

I send you the 1st of Helmholz’s papers.4

I send you the translation of Clausius’s note.5

Your arrangement is the best that could be devised –

If the Government of the Heavens6 be not something you are particularly anxious about then pray dont send it to me for by Heavens my hands are very full as it is.

I wish you would be kind enough to send me 10 or 12 prospectuses of the Memoirs7 when you next write.

Could you manage to strike off a copy of Bunsen for me – you send the magazine to Heidelberg8 could you not enclose a copy of Bunsen’s paper to him? It is a splendid one.

most sincerely yours | J Tyndall


If it would not be too much trouble I think it would have a good effect if you enclosed a copy of each translation to the author of the paper – it might be sent unstitched

RDS 27/18

[2223 October 1852]: dated by Tyndall’s Journal entry of 24 October 1852 (covering 18–24 October) where he wrote, ‘read proofs Bunsen on Iceland’ (JT/2/13b/588). The postscript, written on a Saturday, was probably written on 23 October, while the first part was likely written on Friday 22 October. This date is consistent with the allusions to papers by Helmholtz and Clausius.

Pogg[s] &c: requested in letter 0672.

the proofs of Bunsen: Bunsen’s long memoir on the volcanic rocks of Iceland (cited letter 0666, n. 1).

the 1st of Helmholz’s papers: probably the article on Brewster cited in letter 0673, n. 15.

I send you the translation of Clausius’s note: probably R. Clausius, ‘On the Colours of a Jet of Steam and of the Atmosphere’, Phil. Mag. 4:27 (December 1852), pp. 416–7.

the Government of the Heavens: a reference to J. Purslo, The Government of the Heavens (Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1852). Tyndall eventually sent a review of the work to Francis in December (see letters 0692 and 0693).

the Memoirs: see letter 0656, n. 4.

Heidelberg: Bunsen became a professor at Heidelberg in late 1852.

Please cite as “Tyndall0676,” in Ɛpsilon: The John Tyndall Collection accessed on 3 May 2024,