To William Francis1

My dear Francis,

I send you Reich’s paper2 – Dealing as it does with experiments which occur very rarely and which interest every body it would not be well to omit it.

I send you also a condensation of Wartmann3 – I would let it all go in one article merely drawing a line as I have done between the two [portions].4 One word I cannot translate it is acerdèse5 at page 6 of the translation.

I shall probably take a run up to you soon

ever yours | Tyndall | 15th Dec.

I send you a review of Purslo’s work.6 Such books I think ought to be permitted to die without notice

RDS 27/22

[1852]: the year is based on the allusions to Reich (n. 2), Wartman (n. 3) and Purslo (n. 6).

Reich’s paper: probably F. Reich, ‘New experiments on the mean density of the earth’, Phil. Mag., 5:31 (March 1853), pp. 153–9 (originally published as F. Reich, ‘Neue Versuche über die mittlere Dichtigkeit der Erde’, Poggend. Annal., 85:2 (1852), pp. 189–98).

condensation of Wartmann: Tyndall translated and condensed É. Wartmann, ‘Recherches sur la conductibilité des minéreaux pour ‘électricité voltaïque’, a paper read at the general meeting of the Society of Physics and Natural History of Geneva on 20 November 1851 (Memoires de la société de physique et d’histoire naturelle de genève: Tome Treizième (Genève: Librairie de Joel Cherbuliez, 1854), pp. 199–210) and É. Wartmann, ‘Note sur quelques Expériences faites avec le Fixateur Electrique’, Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles á la Bibliothéque Universelle, Genéve, 19 (August 1852), pp. 282–7.

one article ... two [portions]: the two papers were published together as Wartmann, ‘Researches on the Conductibility of Minerals for Voltaic Electricity; and on the Electric Light’, Phil. Mag., 5:29 (January 1853), pp. 12–16. The line of separation appears on p. 15.

acerdèse: another name for manganite (p. 14 of Wartmann (n. 4 above)).

Purslo’s work: see letter 0676, n. 6 and letter 0693.

Please cite as “Tyndall0692,” in Ɛpsilon: The John Tyndall Collection accessed on 15 May 2024,