To Henry Young1    February 1851

[February 1851]2

Your Excellency,

The undersigned begs your Excellencys kind indulgence for intruding upon your valuable time and humbly requests your Excellencys perusal of the following.

The undersigned having learnt the intention of the Government, to send an expedition into the little explored north-western parts of our colony under the command of Mr. Rawnsley, requests the favour to be permitted, to join this expedition as a botanist, and should need be, to act as medical man.

As the country to be explored is, on the whole a terra incognita in botany, not having been travelled over by a phytologist since Capt. Flinders expedition in 1802-1803, when Rob. Brown examined the environs of Mount Brown, there is little doubt, but that many botanical discoveries will be made, not only valuable in regard of science but also of medical or oeconomical purposes.

The undersigned does not ask for any remuneration for his services; the only thing he begs are the means of conveyance, viz. a equipped horse and rations. For that he would present to the Government here a full set of specimens, worthy to be sent either to the British Museum in London, or to be placed for general information in a future Museum in Adelaide.

In the hope, Your Excellency will kindly grant his request, he begs leave to sign

Your Excellencys

most obedient humble servant

Ferd. Mueller, Ph.D.


To his Excellency

Sir Henry Young, Governor of South Australia, Knight &c &c3

In an undated reference attached to this file Henry Backhaus wrote: 'The petitioner, Ferdinand Mueller is well known to me as not only a sufficiently practical physician, but as a very able botanist, whose indefatigable exertions for the promotion of his favourite study of botany in this province even, are considerable, and I here take the liberty of cordially recommending his modest application to the kind consideration of his Excellency the Governor.'
editorial addition —registered, 18 February.
MS file annotation: 'Ansd — 12 —'. Letter not found.

Please cite as “FVM-51-02-00,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 26 July 2024,