To Robert Leach   28 October 1859

Melbourne botanic & zoologic Garden

28. Oct. 1859.


Having been informed, that a draft-horse, belonging to one of the Governments departments is unused since the last two years at the Dandenong Gov. Paddock, and that by official application to the department, to which it belongs, this animal may perhaps be transferred to this establishment, I have the honor to request, that you will, — if I am rightly informed, — favor me with any information you may have in reference to this animal, since a draft horse is at this moment particularly required for these gardens.1

The Gentleman, who directed my attention to this horse is Mr Pearce, Veterinary Surgeon to the Richmond Police Dept.

I have the honor to be,


your most obedient & humble servant

Ferd. Mueller, M.D.

Director of bot. & zool Gardens.


The Officer in charge of the Governments Paddock near Dandenong

&c &c &c2

See M to J. O'Shanassy, 11 October 1859.

On 3 November 1859 Leach noted: 'The horse within referred to, is now here and can only be obtained by Doctor Mueller thro' the Chief Commissioner of Police on whose requisition shall be happy to deliver him'.

See also M to F. Standish, 3 November 1859.

Please cite as “FVM-59-10-28a,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 27 July 2024,