To George Bentham1    25 January 1862


Dear Mr Bentham

In writing to you yesterday2 I forgot to direct your attention to the curious form of the anthers of Hibbertia stellaris, Endl. Perhaps you may have overlooked it. To me it seems important, since you attach generic value to Adrastaea3

I speak from memory, since the Dilleniaceae are on the way to you.



Ferd Mueller




Hibbertia stellaris

MS black-edged. M's sister Bertha died on 7 September 1861.
See M to G. Bentham, 24 January 1862.
See G. Bentham to M, 16 November 1861.

Please cite as “FVM-62-01-25b,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 27 July 2024,