To George Bentham1    19 April 1862

Melbourne bot. Garden


Dear Mr Bentham.

My excellent friend J. W. Osborne Esq, the administrator of our photolithographic Governments Institution, being on leave of absence for the purpose of studying in Europe and especially at the forthcoming Exhibition2 the recent progress of chemical discoveries in relation to technology I regard it as important, that I should introduce my friend to you, as the President of the great & influential Linnéan Society, because I feel persuaded, that you will with your usual desire to promote scientific researches, kindly facilitate Mr Osbornes mission by introducing him to those of the Linnean members, who can aid him in his inquiries.

Mr Osborne has vastly improved the photolithographic methods by his own discoveries, is a most learned chemist & well-informed technologist, and is most desirous to make the recent discoveries in his profession available to the public-service of this country, to which he is an ornament.3

Ever with deep regards,

dear Mr Bentham,


Ferd. Mueller.

MS black-edged; M's sister Bertha died on 7 September 1861.
London International Exhibition, 1862.
See also M to J. Hooker, 24 April 1862 (in this edition as 62-04-24a).

Please cite as “FVM-62-04-19,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 26 July 2024,