To Jasper von Oertzen1    22 February 1866

Grossherzoglich Mecklenburgischer Hausorden der Wendischen Krone


Vor und Zunamen.

Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich Mueller


Wo und wann geboren

zu Rostock nat 30. Juni 1825.



Melbourne Australia felix



Lutherischer protestant.


Chargen, Amtsverhältniss, Titel

Doct. d. Med. u. D. Phil., Ritter vom Dannebrog, der Ehrenlegion, des Franz-Joseph Ordens, des St. Maur. u St. Lazar Ordens, des Ernestinischen Hausordens von Gotha, und nun des Ordens der Wendischen Krone, Regierungs Phytologe für die Colonie Victoria, Director des botanischen Gartens von Melbourne, Vicepräsident der Acclimations Gesellschaft von Victoria, Vicepräsid. der Gartenbau-Gesellschaft von Victoria und ebenfalls der suburbanen Gesellschaft von Melbourne, Mitglied der königl. Gesellschaft von London, Leschenault'sches Mitglied der kais. Acad. der Carol. Leopoldina Naturforscher, Ehren-mitgl. der kaiserlichen Acclimation's Gesellschaft von Frankreich, der botan. Gesellsch. von Canada, der Agricultur u Acclim. Gesellschaft von Sicilien, der Acad. d. Wissensch. v. Californien, der Pollichisch. Ges. d. Naturf. d. Palatinats, der naturf. Gesellsch. des Harzes, der Acclim. Gesellsch. v. Bourbon, d. naturf. Ges. zu Hamburg, der königl. Ges. v. Victoria, der zoolog. Ges. v Rotterdam, u. v. Cöln, des Reichsstifts zu Frankfurt, der pharmac. Gesellsch. v. Victoria, des deutsch. Vereins von Melbourne, der Gesellsch. d. Ärzte v. Victoria, Examinator für Therapie u Materia Medica und med. Botan an der Universität Melbourne, Ehrenmitglied der königs. Gesellsch. v. Tasmanien, des philos. Instituts v. Neuseeland u. ebenfals der Acclim. Gesellsch. v

Neu Zealand, der Gartenbau ges. v. Launceston u auch v. Geelong, des Institutes von Penola, Localer Ehrensecretair der anthropolog. Ges. v. London, Mitglied d. Raths für Wissenschaft d. Regier. v. Vict u auch des Rathes für Agricultur, Mitgl. d. Linné'ischen Gesellsch. v. London, d. königl geograph. Ges. v. London, der archäolog. Ges v. Copenhagen, des afrikanisch. Instituts von Frankreich, corresp. Mitglied d. zoolog. Gesellsch. v. London, des Rathes der kaiserl. naturhist. Museums v. Paris, der kais. geolog. Reichsanstalt v. Östreich, der königl. Ges. v. Upsala, der physiograph. Ges. zu Lund, der kaiserl. Acclimations Gesellschaft von Moscau, der Unions naturforsch. Freunde in Moscau, der botan. u zoolog. Gesellsch v Wien, der Gartenbau Gesellschaft v. Östreich, der Gartenbau Ges. v. St Petersburg, d. physikalisch-medicinisch Gesellsch. v. Erlangen, der königl botanisch Ges v. Regensburg, der Gesellsch. für Wissenschaft u Kunst in Mauritius, der königl botan. Ges. von Edinblurgh, der naturforsch Gesellsch. zu Halle, der schlesisch. Gesellschaft für Cultur, der Naturforsch. Gesellsch zu Freiburg, der geograph. Gesellsch zu Darmstadt der zoolog. Ges v London u mehrerer anderer Wissenschafts-Unionen.


Grandducal Mecklenburg House order of the Wendish Crown


Fore and Surnames

Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich Mueller


Where and when born

at Rostock 30 June 1825



Melbourne Australia felix


Religious profession

Lutheran Protestant


Rank, Official Postion, Titles

Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy, Knight of the Dannebrog, of the Legion of Honour, of the Franz-Joseph Order, of the Order of St Maurice and St Lazar, of the Ernestine House Order of Gotha, and now of the Order of the Wendish Crown, Government Botanist for the Colony of Victoria, Director of the Botanical Garden of Melbourne, vice-president of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, vice-president of the Horticultural Society of Melbourne, and also of the suburban Society of Melbourne,2 member of the Royal Society of London, Leschenault member of the Imperial Carolina Leopoldina Academy of Naturalists, honorary member of the Imperial Acclimatisation Society of France, the Botanical Society of Canada, the Agricultural and Acclimatisation Society of Sicily, of the Academy of Sciences of California, of the Pollichia Society of Naturalists of the Palatinate, of the Natural History Society of the Harz, of the Acclimatisation Society of Bourbon, of the Natural History Society of Hamburg, of the Royal Society of Victoria, of the Zoological Societies of Rotterdam and of Cologne, of the Imperial Academy of Frankfurt, of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria, of the German Club of Melbourne, of the Medical Society of Victoria, examiner in Therapeutics and Materia Medica and Medical Botany at the University of Melbourne, honorary member of the Royal Society of Tasmania, of the Philosophical Institute of New Zealand, and also of the Acclimatisation Society of New Zealand, of the Horticultural Society of Launceston and also of Geelong, of the Institute of Penola, local honorary secretary of the Anthropological Society of London, member of the Board of Science of the Government of Victoria and also of the Board of Agriculture, member of the Linnean Society of London, of the Royal Geographical Society of London, of the Archaeological Society of Copenhagen, of the African Institute of France, corresponding member of the Zoological Society of London, of the Council of the Imperial Natural History Museum of Paris, of the Imperial Geological Institution of Austria, of the Royal Society of Upsala, of the Physiographical Society of Lund, of the Imperial Acclimatisation Society of Moscow, of the Union of the Friends of Natural History in Moscow, of the Botanical and Zoological Society of Vienna, of the Horticultural Society of Austria, of the Horticultural Society of St Petersburg, of the Physical-Medical Society of Erlangen, of the Royal Botanical Society of Regensburg, of the Society for Science and Art in Mauritius, of the Royal Botanical Society of Edinburgh, of the Naturalists Society of Halle, of the Silesian Society for Culture, of the Naturalists Society of Freiburg, of the Geographical Society of Darmstadt, of the Zoological Society of London, and of several other scientific unions.

Form completed by M and returned, presumably together with the letter of appreciation at being appointed a knight of the Order of the Wendish Crown that M sent to von Oertzen on this date (in this edition as 66-02-22a).
Not identified.

Please cite as “FVM-66-02-22b,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 25 April 2024,