To Edward Ramsay1    7 May 1867



I am so poor, dear Mr Ramsay, after spending since 1840 all I had in collections2 and books, which are now as a donation property of this Government, that I could not think of it to become the shareholder in any company even for scientific research I will however give £2.2/- (two guineas) for each hundred of different plants from New Guinea and £3.3 (three Guineas) for each hundred of alpine plants from thence, provided that the rest of the plants is distributed or sold with an understanding that the elucidation is left to me

There can be no doubt New Guinea plants will sell well in Europe. You could place them into the hands of a trustworthy agent in London. Seeds would like wise sell well.

I shall rejoyce, if your Company succeeds in the Colonisation of so magnific a tract of country. As yet I believe there are only 2 German missionaries there. Pray let me know the arrangement & let the ascent of the snowy mountains (visible from the shore) be a condition of the first exploration. You would have a rare and magnificent opportunity of distinguishing yourself.

I have as yet had no leisure to examine the ferns,3 but it shall soon be done

yr regardful

Ferd. Mueller

MS envelope front: 'On her Majestys service | Edward P. Ramsay Esq | Dobroyde | near | Sydney | Dr Ferd. Mueller FRS.' The front bears the Chief Secretary's frank stamp and is also stamped Melbourne, 9 May 1867. Envelope back is stamped Sydney, 13 May 1867.
travels deleted after collections.
See M to E. Ramsay, 14 March 1867.

Please cite as “FVM-67-05-07,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 26 July 2024,