From George Bentham   15 April 1870


April 15 /70

My dear Sir

I write a few lines in great haste being overwhelmed with press of matter at this time, to say that I have sent by this mail 8 sheets of the 5th vol. of Flora Australiensis (D to L)1 — four more are in type but I have not yet the clean proofs.

A box was also sent off last week from Kew with Proteaceae down to Persoonia except some half a dozen parcels which would not go into the box — the bill of lading will probably have been sent to you direct as I have not had it

What with keeping up to the printer so as to get the volume out before I leave town in the summer — the preparation of my Anniversary Address2 which always takes up more time than one would suppose — and the days rest I am obliged to take now and then on account of my troublesome sciatica (now I hope really getting better) I have but very little courage for correspondence.

Yours very sincerely

George Bentham


Dr Ferd Mueller C M G


Pray do not sent any more boxes of specimens till I say I shall be ready for them.




Bentham (1863-78), vol. 5, sheets D-L (i.e. pp. 33-160).
To the Linnean Society of London, delivered every year in May.

Please cite as “FVM-70-04-15,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 27 July 2024,