To Edward Ramsay   10 October 1874

Melbourne 10/10/74


By this post, dear Mr Ramsay, I have written to Commodore Goodenough,1 concerning our desire to proceed in the Pearl to N. G., and explained also the main objects of our trip.2 Young Baron Huegel3 is also anxious to get a passage. Be so kind not to speak on the subject, as I have not yet mentioned the matter to my Ministerial Chief.

Regardfully your

Ferd von Mueller.


I have just heard from Rev Dr Woolls,4 that you have obtained the honorable post as Curator of the Museum, which will open you a glorious path.5 Accept my best gratulation.

Letter not found.
M was very keen to go with Ramsay on a journey of exploration to the Eastern New Guinea mountains; see M to E. Ramsay, 19 August 1874 and 12 September 1874 (in this edition as 74-09-12a).
Anatole Huegel.
Letter not found.
Ramsay had been appointed Curator of the Australian Museum, Sydney, following the Trustees’ dismissing of Gerard Krefft. The NSW Government did not however recognise the Trustees’ authority to take such action and as a result the legality of Ramsay’s appointment was initially uncertain.

Please cite as “FVM-74-10-10,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 26 July 2024,