From Charles Cox    23 May 1879

Chancery &c,

Downing Street

23 May 1879


Dr. Ferdinand von Mueller, C.M.G.1


I am commanded to inform you that the Queen has been graciously pleased to give directions for your appointment to be a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Her Majesty's Warrants and Insignia will be forwarded to you in due course.

I have &c

C Cox


The document in CO 447/34, 8797/79, is a MS draft letter with optional parts for either a Knight Commander or Companion of the order, accompanied by a glued-on printed list of recipients. The final letter to M has not been found.

Please cite as “FVM-79-05-23,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 27 July 2024,