To Otto Tepper   8 June 1879



It would involve so much extra exertions, dear Mr Tepper, to add to the specimens of dried plants notices on soil, habit, color of flower &c, that I would not trouble about it. Whenever any new plant is recovered I can make inquiry about it distinctly.

Ich spreche Ihnen meinen tiefgefühlten Dank aus für Ihren Glückwünsch, zu der grossen Ehre, welche mir so unerwartet von Ihrene der Königin zu Theil wurde. Mögen wir es ansehen als ein Tribut für die Wissenschaft Australiens im Allgemeinen, weniger als ein Lohn auf den ich von Ihrer Majestät Gnade irgend Anspruch hätte. Es muss mich aber zum Weiterforschen anfeuern, so lange es meine geistigen Kräfte zulassen und so lange mir die Vorsehung Leben gewährt.

Mit freundlichster Ergebenheit der Ihre

Ferd. von Mueller.




It would involve so much extra exertions, dear Mr Tepper, to add to the specimens of dried plants notices on soil, habit, color of flower &c, that I would not trouble about it. Whenever any new plant is recovered I can make inquiry about it distinctly.

I express my deep-felt thanks to you for your congratulation for the great honour that was granted to me so unexpectedly by Her Majesty the Queen. 1 May we regard it as a tribute for the science of Australia in general, less than a reward on which I would have had some claim from Her Majesty's grace. However, it must spur me on to further research, as long as my intellectual powers permit it and as long as Providence grants me life.

With most kindly devotion your

Ferd. von Mueller.

See Queen Victoria to M, 24 May 1879.

Please cite as “FVM-79-06-08e,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 19 April 2024,