From William Woolls   19 July 1879


July 19 /79

My dear Baron,

I send you a paragraph from to-day's Herald.2 It will keep the pot boiling!

I recd. the first proof of my book3 last night & hope to get it out in two months.

Can you or your friends assist me taking a few copies? Six for a pound. Very cheap.

Please read the memo.

Yours very sincerely

W. Woolls


Sydney morning herald,, 19 July 1879, p. 8, includes, under the heading 'Eucalyptus', an unsigned review, presumably by Woolls, of some plates of M’s Eucalyptographia, five that were issued in the Second Decade, one in the First Decade, one in the Third Decade, and E. luehmanniana that was not issued under the quoted name in any of the ten decades, presumably because M came to regard it is a variety of E. stellulta (see discussion under that species in the Sixth Decade). The review includes the following passage:

As the Baron proceeds with his labours one thing is abundantly evident, viz. that the species of Eucalyptus are not so intimately associated as to render their separation impossible. It is true that there are some in the neighbourhood of Port Jackson that resemble each other so closely as to make it exceedingly difficult to recognize them from dried specimens; but when they are placed in separate sections according to the bark and habit of the trees this difficulty is nearly removed… Here the Baron's critical system is highly useful, and refers the species to its proper place in the systematic arrangement… For this mode of distinction we are indebted to the Baron, and it is one which commends itself for its simplicity…

Woolls (1879) was announced in Sydney newspapers in early December (e.g. ‘Publications received’, Sydney daily telegraph, 3 December 1879, p. 7), and advertised for sale at five shillings, or six shillings posted (e.g. Sydney morning herald, 21 February 1880, p. 8), not quite as low a price as he had envisaged.

Please cite as “FVM-79-07-19,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 27 July 2024,