From Friedrich I, Grand-Duke of Baden   10 October 1879


von Gottes Gnaden

Grossherzog von Baden,

Herzog von Zaehringen.


Wir haben uns gnädigst bewogen gefunden dem englischen Regierungs-Botaniker, Baron Ferdinand von Müller, das Ritterkreuz erster Klasse mit Eichenlaub des Ordens vom Zähringer Löwen zu verleihen und ertheilen demselben über den rechtmässigen Besitz dieser Auszeichnung die gegenwärtige Urkunde mit Unserer eigenhändigen Unterschrift und beigedrucktem Fürstlichen Insiegel.


Schloss Baden den 10 Oktober 1879.




für den englischen Regierungs-Botaniker

Baron Ferdinand von Müller in Melbourne.


Friedrich by God's grace Grand-Duke of Baden, Duke of Zähringen.


We feel graciously inclined to confer the knight's cross first class with oak leaves of the Order of the Zähringen Lion on the English Government Botanist Baron Ferdinand von Mueller and give him the present document about the legitimate possession of this decoration with our signature in our own hand and affixed princely seal.



Schloss Baden 10 October 1879


Commission of the Order

for the English Government Botanist

Baron Ferdinand von Mueller in Melbourne.2

The Royal Seal is blind stamped beside the signature.
Following the expression of intent to award the Order (see A. von Unger-Sternberg to L. Turban, 19 September 1879 [in this edition as M79-09-19]) there had been extensive discussion in Friedrich's Court about the effect of the British rules on acceptance of foreign orders; see L. Turban to Friedrich I, 30 September 1879 (in this edition as M79-09-30). For the British rules see notes to C. Darling to Duke of Newcastle, 22 February 1864 (in this edition as M64-02-22).

Please cite as “FVM-79-10-10b,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 26 July 2024,