To Lajos Haynald1    23 April 1883



Nur wenige Worte diesmal am Post-Schluss, Eminenz, um das Exemplar des Ihnen zug[e]eigneten Hibiscus zu begleiten. Die Beschreibung ist für die März-Nummer des "Southern Science Record" geliefert, aber noch immer nicht erschienen, doch werde ich solche sicherlich mit nächster Post senden können.

Nehmen Sie dies geringe Merkmal meiner Verehrung freundlich an!

Deo volente hoffe ich noch ein genus Haynaldia Ihnen zu widmen, falls nicht etwas ein anderer Ihrer Verehrer mir darin zuvorkommt. Vom Hibiscus ist die Frucht noch nicht bekannt; später werden eben doch wohl auch die Samen aus den Gebirgen an den Quellen des Gascoyne Flusses erlangbar sein.

Hoffend, dass Sie sich jetzt wieder ganz gekräftigt fühlen, und dass Sie noch recht lange in Ihrem hohen Wirkungskreis rüstig erhalten bleiben, empfehle ich mich als Ew. Eminenz sehr Ergebenen

Ferd. von Mueller.


Ich habe Dr Goeze gerathen, sich wegen seiner portugiesichen Übersetzung der "select plants" an den leutseeliger Kaiser von Brasilien zu wenden, da das Werk für die Berg-Regionen u das südl Brasilien wichtig sein würde. Verfasser u Übersetzer würden bald das Manuscript liefern u zwar gratis, so dass nur der Druck im Regier. Bureau in Rio de Janeiro zu bewerkstelligen wäre. Könnte Sr Kais. Hoheit der Prinz v. Cob. Gotha seine Huld dieser S[ache] zuwenden?




Only a few words this time at the close of the mail, Eminence, to accompany the specimen of the Hibiscus dedicated to you. The description is furnished for the March number of Southern Science Record,2 but still has not come out, but I will certainly be able to send it with the next mail.

Kindly accept this small sign of my respect.

God willing I hope still to dedicate a genus Haynaldia to you, if some other of your admirers does not anticipate me in this.3 The fruit of the Hibiscus is not yet known; later the seeds will probably also be attainable from the hills at the sources of the Gascoyne River.4

Hoping that you now feel quite strong again, and that you will remain active for a long time yet in your elevated sphere of activity, I recommend myself as your Eminence's very humble

Ferd. von Mueller


I have advised Dr Goeze to appeal to the affable Emperor of Brazil respecting his Portuguese translation of the Select plants, since the work would be important for the mountain regions and the south of Brazil. The publisher and translator would soon deliver the manuscript and in fact gratis, so that only the printing in the Government Office in Rio de Janeiro would need to be managed. Could His Royal Highness the Prince of Coburg Gotha bestow his favour on this matter?5

The letter is accompanied by a Phytologic Museum of Melbourne label in M's hand: 'Hibiscus Haynaldi, F.v.M. Gascoyne River 1882 J. Forrest'. The letter has an annotation by Haynald: 'gratias egi pro dedicatione, et promisi me apud Principes Coburg acturum quoad Portugallicam editionem operis Select Plants, sperans cum principe Philippo mense septembri futurum cum princeps Augustus, prout ultimo tempore audivi, jam in itinere Brasiliam versus constituatus, ubi in socerum suum Imperatorem immediate influere poterit; caeterum non reticui, quod propter difficiles pecuniarias Brasilian Imperii res notabilis illa subventio, quae colossali operi Flora Brasiliensis usque 14 tomum jam publicato longiori tempore a Regimine imperali data fuerat, recentissime notabiliter reducta dicatur 1883. 24/6' [Thanks for the dedication and I promise to deal with the Coburg Princes about the Portuguese edition of the book Select Plants, expecting to be with Prince Philip in September since Prince August, as I heard last time, being determined on the journey to Brazil, where he would be with his brother-in-law, would immediately be able to influence the Emperor; however I do not conceal that, because of the financial difficulties of the Brazilian Empire, that subvention is a notable matter. What had long been granted by the imperial regime for a colossal work, Flora Brasiliensis, with up to volume 14 already published, has been said most recently to have been notably reduced. 24 June 1883]
See B83.03.02, p. 67.
M was forestalled in this plan by the Hungarian botanist August Kanitz, who had already erected the genus Haynaldia in 1877.
No Portuguese-language edition of Mueller's book was published at this period.

Please cite as “FVM-83-04-23,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 18 April 2024,