To Alphonse de Candolle   14 January 1884



My best thanks are due to you, honored Sir, and to your learned son, for sending me the 5th vol. part 1 of your Monographiae.1 It contains a valuable contribution again to phytography, and it is only to be regretted, that a work, which for its completion must take gigantic dimension, can not be more accelerated by some extraneous financial aid. If the various Governments in the world would subscribe for a large number of copies, a circular being sent to them, the fund would be available to expedite the work.

Boea Treubii I received unfortunately without fruit, and thus it became described as a Didymocarpus.2 I have a new cyrtandrous plant from North Queensland; but also without fruit; so I hesitate to describe it.

I have been very ill with a "catarrhe sec",3 so I went to the coast, where I finished the text of the 10th Decade of the Fragmenta.4 If you have this work not complete, or if any other volumes of mine should be wanting in your library, I will be happy to send them.

With my reverent remembrance of you and M. Casimir de Candolle


Ferd. von Mueller.


Boea Treubii


C. B. Clarke (1883).
See B82.10.03.
dry catarrh.
Error for 10th Decade of his Eucalyptographia , i.e. B84.13.19?

Please cite as “FVM-84-01-14,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 10 May 2024,