To Ralph Tate   10 May 1884



Your remarks on Scirpus litoralis, dear Prof. Tate,1 are interesting. The species seems much to replace Sc. lacustris in warmer regions of the world. I was the first to identify it with Sc. plumosus.

Let me hope that you got all right the 9th Euc. Decade2 and the suppl for 1883 of the Census.3

Perhaps I did not mention to you yet, that I have added Acacia erinacea to the S.A. Flora from near Eucla, also Haloragis digyna from the same locality.

You have such an extensive insight now into the vegetation of the S.A. territory, that really you do not need any help from me, unless for occasional critical species and perhaps the Arnhem's Land4 plants. So I hope, you will push your researches in phytography on now independently, particularly as I am still a sufferer and continue very weak, so that working very long hours daily would exhaust the little strenght[s] which I have regained. Nevertheless I hope to furnish a contribution to your R.S.'s tr.5

With regardful remembrance your

Ferd. von Mueller


Acacia erinacea

Haloragis digyna

Scirpus lacustris

Scirpus litoralis

Scirpus plumosus

See R. Tate to M, 6 May 1884.
Royal Society's transactions. No contribution by M was published by the Royal Society of SA in 1884 or 1885.

Please cite as “FVM-84-05-10,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 7 May 2024,