To the Linnean Society of London 1    21 May 1884



We the Undersigned beg to propose

The honorable F. S. Dobson, 2 L.L.D., Member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, President of the Field Naturalists Club of Melbourne, for the Fellowship of the Linnéan Society of London, to which honor he is well entitled by his zealous active promotion of botany and other natural sciences.

Ferd. von Mueller, M.D., FLS.

William Woolls Ph.D., F.L.S.

Robt D Fitzgerald, F.L.S.3

M autograph manuscript and signature; other supporters' individual signatures. A piece of paper printed with the words ‘FORM OF RECOMMENDATION FOR A FELLOW OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON’ is glued to the top of the page.
Name underlined in crayon.

Annotated front: Read 6 Nov 1884 Ballot will take place on 4th Decr 1884

back: F Stanley Dobson elected 4 December 1884.

The file includes the obligation form dated 27 May 1885 and signed by Dobson, undertaking to pay the fees while he remained a member. Dobson withdrew from the Fellowship during the 1891-92 session (Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, session 1891-92, p. 56).

see also M to B. Daydon Jackson, 25 January 1885 (in this edition as 85-01-25b).

Please cite as “FVM-84-05-21a,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 21 September 2024,