From Jacob Agardh1    14 September 1884

Lund 14 Sept. 1884.

Hochgeehrter Herr Baron!

In der letzten Brief glaube ich Ihnen gemeldet zu haben dass das paket mit Algen von Rottnest noch nicht hier eingetroffen wäre. Erst vor etwa 8 Tagen ist es in meinen Händen, und ich sende Ihnen heute die Nahmen liste der enthalten Algen. Sie werden vielleicht schon bemerkt haben dass von vielen numeros keine Specimina sich vorfinden.

Auch erlaube ich mir heute die Nahmen liste der von Hrn Br. Wilson gesammelten und durch Ihre Gute beförderten Sammlung überzusenden. Wie gewöhnlich enthält diese Samlung viel interessantes, und auch einige neue Arten, so gar glaube ich zwei neue Gattungen, von denen doch die eine Glaphyrymenia in einer der fruher übergesandten [Nr] durch ein steriles exemplar vertreten war. Von der andern (sub No 49) liegen nur sterile Exemplare vor, und darum ist es mir sogar unmöglich über affinitet der neuen Gattung was zu sagen.

Weil Ich einige Bemerkungen über meine Bestimmungen zu machen wunschte, habe ich es gewagt heute an Hrn Wilson auch direct zu schreiben unter addr. Geelong; habe Ihm auch ein besonderes Exemplar der Nahmen liste mitgetheilt. Weil ich aber wegen der Addrese unsicher bin, habe ich mir erlaubt auch Ihnen ein Nahmen Verzeichnis zu übersenden.

Vor etwa 14 Tagen ist ein neues paket mit Algen für Sie an meinen Expediteur übergeliefert um über Hamburg Ihnen zugestellt zu werden. Es enthält eine möglichst compl. Samlung der New Zeeländer Algen so wie Exemplare derjenigen Neu Holländer, die Ich von Interesse für Sie vermuthen durfte.

Indem ich hoffe dass Ihre Gesundheits Zustand sich verbessert sende ich Ihnen meine beste Gr[üss]e und zeichnet ergebenst

J G Agardh


Lund 14 September 1884

Highly esteemed Baron!

In the last letter2 I believe I reported to you that the packet of algae from Rottnest3 had not yet arrived here. Only about 8 days ago did it come into my hands, and today I am sending you the list of names of the algae received. You will perhaps already have noted that there are no specimens for many numbers.

Also I permit myself today to send the list of names of the collection put together by Mr Wilson and forwarded through your kindness. As usual this collection contains many interesting things and also some new species, I believe even two new genera, of which indeed one, Glaphyrymenia, was represented in one of the previously sent [numbers] by a sterile specimen. Of the others (under No. 49) only sterile specimens are available, and because of that it is quite impossible for me to say anything about the affinity of the new genus.

Because I wished to make some remarks about my determinations, today I have ventured also to write directly to Mr Wilson addressed to Geelong;4 I have also communicated to him a separate copy of the list of names. However, because I am uncertain of his address, I have also permitted myself to send you a name index.

About 14 days ago a new packet with algae for you was delivered to my forwarding agent to be delivered to you via Hamburg. It contains a collection as complete as possible of New Zealand algae as well as specimens of those of New Holland that I assume might be of interest to you.

Hoping that your health is improving, I send you my best greetings and sign most humbly

J. G. Agardh5


Algae from Rottnest Island, by Webb;6 received

Sept. 1884.

Of many numbers no specimen received; I have only seen:

No 2. Galaxaura umbellata var. fere Gal. major Decsne.

4. Laurencia elata Harv.

6. Mastophora rostrata7 J Ag.

7. Halimeda macroloba Decsne

8. Ptilota coralloidea

10. Zonaria nigrescens Sond.

12 Laurencia concinna

13 Scytothalia dorycarpa

14. Hypnea seticulosa

15. Sargassum fragm. forsan S. biformis Sond.

17. Caulerpa Sonderi

18 Laurencia Forsteri

20. Spyridia filamentosa

22. Pterocladia lucida

24. Turbinaria vulgaris

25. Plocamium procerum

25A. Plocamium coccineum

26. Sargassi fragm. forsan S. biformis.

26A. Sargassi fragm. forsan Sarg. lanceolat.?8

27. Galaxaura collabens

28 Dictyota paniculata

28. Champia affinis Harv.

29. Caulerpa Cactoides form. opuntia.9

30 Dilophus fastigiatus J Ag.

31. Cladophora Valonioides

32. Bryopsis sp. perhaps identical with No 571 Harv. Alg. exsicc. Aust.10

32.A. Halophlegma Preissii

34. Dasya sp. (sterilis cum D. multiceps comparenda.

35 Caulerpa scalpelliformis

36. Not Alga.

37. Caulerpa cylindracea

39. Codium Muelleri

39A. Sarcocladia obesa

44. Thysanocladia coriacea

46. Dasyphila Preissii

46A  Laurencia Forsteri

47. Corallina Cuvierii11

49. Caulerpa Muelleri

54. Rhodymenia australis.

57. Plocamium coccineum

60. Caulerpa distichophylla

61. Asparagopsis armata

63. Caulerpa Hypnoides

65 Caulocystis uvifera Aresch.

66. Caulerpa Cactoides forma Corynephora

68. Platythalia Quercifolia

69 Hypnea episcopalis

70. Not Alga. Sertularia? sp.

71. Hypnea episcopalis

72. Laurencia Forsteri


Algae from J. Bracebr. Wilson, rec. Aug. 1884.12

1. Rhizoclonii sp. near to Conferva arenosa Harv.

2. Cladophora sp. on which a Diatomacea (Licmophora sp) near to Exilaria flabellata Grev.

3. Cladophora, near to C. flavescens

4. Cladophora, near to C. pellucida.

5. Enteromorpha bulbosa Suhr

6. Enterom. lingulata (brevior)

7. Enterom lingulata (elongata)

8. Bryopsis sp. = no 571 in Harv. Alg. austr. exsicc.13

9. Caulerpa sp. perhaps new sp. near to C. Brownii.

10 Conferva valida Hook & H.

11. Wrangelia plumosa (denudata)

12. Carpoglossum confluens.

13. Cystophora platylobium

14. Haliseris Muelleri

15 Zonaria nigrescens Sond.

16. Dilophus opacus J Ag.

17. Fucodium chondrophyllum

18. Dictyota sp. (D. ocellata J Ag. olim)

19. Dictyota sp. non determin.

20 Dictyota pellucida J Ag. = no 65 of a form. collect.14

21. Dilophus sp. perhaps D. fastigiatus young.

22 Dictyota sp.

23. Polysiphonia hystrix

24 Dasya naccarioides.

25. Polysiphonia australis Ag = P. cladostephus Harv.

26. Dasya hapalathrix.

27. Dasya sp. (antheridiis) an D. Gunniana?

28. Bonnemaisonia Asparagoides (new form, for Australia!)

29. Dasya pellucida Harv.

30 Wrangelia princeps Harv.





= no. 66.


32. vacat. (no specimen)

33. Dasya Wilsonis J. Ag. nov. sp.15

34 Callithamnion plumigerum

35 Dasya Feredayae (contractior)

36. Griffithsia sp. an Gr. elongatae forma?

37, Polysiphonia sphacelarioides J. Ag. n. sp.16

38 Sphacelaria sp. vix determinanda, with filaments of 37.

39. Sphacelaria paniculata (forma near to Sph. Hordeacea.)

40 Rhodomela periclados Sond.

41. Griffithsia elongata

42. Callithamnion Hanovioides

43. Wrangelia crassa (young)

44. Chondriopsis Harveyana

45. Rhodoglossi sp. (antheridiis) near to Rh. lanceolatum?)

46. Thysanocladia laxa Sond.

47. Areschougia sp. (A. intermedia J. Ag. / near to A. Stuartii) on the specimen collect. 8/2 84. I found parasitical Callith. verticale

48. Sporochnus apodus

49?? new form to me! Specimens with fruit most acceptable

50 Laurencia Forsteri

51. Erythroclonium Muelleri

52A. Chondriopsis Harveyana

" B. from Symonds Channel 9/1 84 is Chondr. corallorhiza J Ag.

" B. West Channel is Chond. dasyphylla Harv.

53 Sarcomenia Delesserioides

54. Dilophus tener J Ag.

55. Dictyota furcellata

56. Dilophus sp. (perhaps D. foliosus nudus)

57. Nitophyllum pristoideum

58 Delesseria heterocystidea J Ag. = no 84 of a form. collection17

59. Gracilaria furcellata Harv.

60 Phacelocarpus Labillardieri

61 Corallina Cuvieri forma near to C. Cuvieri crispata

62 Ceramium gracillimum

63 Monospora australis

64 Gigartina pinnata

65 Gracilaria? sp. perhaps form of Gr. Lichenoides)





= no. 31.


no fruit being found the Genus is not to be determinated.

67. Griffithsia sp. perhaps = no 18, collect. of 1883.18 (the involucrum is not that of Gr. antarctica).

68. Polysiphonia sp. perhaps near to P. succulenta)

69. Griffithsia elongata.

70 Ceramium sp. (C. isogonum?)

71. Dasya sp. (perhaps new).

72. Griffithsia Gunniana (minor)

73. Griffithsia licmophora H.

74.   collect. 3/1 & 5/1 Hanovia19 robusta

" 17/4 Hanovia archnoidea

75. Hymenocladia Usnea

76. Horea Halymenioides.

77. Horea Wilsonis (forma)

78. Polycoelia laciniata (latior)

79. Nitophyllum Gunnianum (eximie proliferum) forma insolita

[(extraordinarily prolific) unusual form]

80 Lenormandia prolifera J Ag. = Rytiphlaea? Simplicifolia H.

81 Rhodymenia corallina auct.

82 Stenogramma interrupt. in a young state?

83 perhaps the same as no 84 collected 4/2 84.

84.   collect. 26/1 84 is Stenogramma interruptum in fruit

"   collect. 4/2 perhaps the same but not in fruit.

"   collect. 5/1 is quite different perhaps sp. of Sarcodia.

" collect 28/1 84 is no 82 above.

85. Tylotus obtusatus J Ag.

86. Cryptonemia sp. (new?) (near to Cr. undulata but perhaps different sp.)

87 new Genus and sp. Glaphyrymenia pustulosa J. Ag. (young)

88. Glaphyrymenia pustulosa20 (with capsular fruit)

89. Glaphyrymenia pustulosa (with tetraspores)

90. Asperococcus sinuosus

91. Pollexfenia pedicellata

92. Gracilaria furcellata

93. I suppose that the 2 specim. do not belong to the same species.

The one with immersed minute red dots of fruit is Rhodoglossum foliiferum; the other in which one of the leaves has the marginal papillae found in many sp. of Gigartina is (I suppose) = no 86 of a former collection or Gigart. gigantea;21 The specimen being imperfect and not in fruit I dare not decide the question.

94 is Ectoclinium dentatum (with caps. fruit)

95 collected 30/1 84 is Ectoclinium dentatum collected 2/2 84 is Rhodophyllis sp. nov. (more specimens very acceptable)

96. Dictyurus teres J Ag. (= Thuretia teres Harv.)

97. Acrotylus australis

98. Mychodea foliosa J Ag. = Gymnogongrus foliosus Harv.

99. Chylocladia clavellosa

100. Polyopes constrictus J Ag.

J G Agardh


Obs The Myriodesma pinnatifidum J. Ag. mscr.22 according to the new specimens seems only to be a form with serrated leaves of Myriod. integrifolium.

The plant supposed to be Spatoglossum australasicum Kuetz is perhaps rather a form of Dictyota nigricans J Ag.


Acrotylus australis

Areschougia intermedia

Areschougia Stuartii

Asparagopsis armata

Asperococcus sinuosus

Bonnemaisonia Asparagoides


Callithamnion Hanovioides

Callithamnion plumigerum

Callithamnion verticale

Carpoglossum confluens

Caulerpa Brownii

Caulerpa Cactoides forma Corynephora

Caulerpa Cactoides forma opuntia

Caulerpa cylindracea

Caulerpa distichophylla

Caulerpa Hypnoides

Caulerpa Muelleri

Caulerpa scalpelliformis

Caulerpa Sonderi

Caulocystis uvifera

Ceramium gracillimum

Ceramium isogonum

Champia affinis

Chondriopsis corallorhiza

Chondriopsis dasyphylla

Chondriopsis Harveyana

Chondriopsis Harveyana

Chylocladia clavellosa

Cladophora flavescens

Cladophora pellucida

Cladophora Valonioides

Codium Muelleri

Conferva arenosa

Conferva valida

Corallina Cuvieri formcrispata

Corallina Cuvierii

Cryptonemia undulata

Cystophora platylobium

Dasya Feredayae var contractior

Dasya Gunniana

Dasya hapalathrix

Dasya multiceps

Dasya naccarioides

Dasya pellucida

Dasya Wilsonis

Dasyphila Preissii

Delesseria heterocystidea


Dictyota furcellata

Dictyota nigricans

Dictyota ocellata

Dictyota paniculata

Dictyota pellucida

Dictyurus teres

Dilophus fastigiatus

Dilophus foliosus

Dilophus opacus

Dilophus tener

Ectoclinium dentatum

Enteromorpha bulbosa

Enteromorpha lingulata

Erythroclonium Muelleri

Exilaria flabellata

Fucodium chondrophyllum

Galaxaura collabens

Galaxaura major

Galaxaura umbellata

Gigartina gigantea

Gigartina pinnata

Glaphyrymenia pustulosa

Gracilaria furcellata

Gracilaria furcellata

Gracilaria Lichenoides

Griffithsia antarctica

Griffithsia elongata

Griffithsia Gunniana

Griffithsia licmophora

Gymnogongrus foliosus

Halimeda macroloba

Haliseris Muelleri

Halophlegma Preissii

Hanovia archnoidea

Horea Halymenioides

Horea Wilsonis

Hypnea episcopalis

Hypnea seticulosa

Laurencia concinna

Laurencia elata

Laurencia Forsteri

Lenormandia prolifera


Mastophora rostrata

Monospora australis

Mychodea foliosa

Myriodesma integrifolium

Myriodesma pinnatifidum

Nitophyllum pristoideum

Phacelocarpus Labillardieri

Platythalia Quercifolia

Plocamium coccineum

Plocamium procerum

Pollexfenia pedicellata

Polycoelia laciniata

Polyopes constrictus

Polysiphonia australis

Polysiphonia cladostephus

Polysiphonia hystrix

Polysiphonia sphacelarioides

Polysiphonia succulenta

Pterocladia lucida

Ptilota coralloidea


Rhodoglossum foliiferum

Rhodoglossum lanceolatum

Rhodomela periclados


Rhodymenia australis

Rhodymenia corallina

Rytiphlaea Simplicifolia

Sarcocladia obesa


Sarcomenia Delesserioides

Sargassum biformis

Sargassum lanceolatum

Scytothalia dorycarpa

Spatoglossum australasicum

Sphacelaria Hordeacea

Sphacelaria Hordeacea paniculata

Sporochnus apodus

Spyridia filamentosa

Spyridia glomerulerifera

Stenogramma interruptum

Thamnocarpus glomeruliferus

Thuretia teres

Thysanocladia coriacea

Thysanocladia laxa

Turbinaria vulgaris

Tylotus obtusatus

Wrangelia crassa

Wrangelia plumosa

Wrangelia princeps

Zonaria nigrescens

MS annotated by M: 'Beantw 1/11/84. FvM' [Replied 1 November 1884 FvM]. See M to J. Agardh, 1 November 1884. The translation is given after the letter, before the transcription of the accompanying list of Algae.
Letter not found.
Rottnest Island, WA.
Letter not found.
For M's reply, see M to J. Agardh, 1 November 1884.
William Webb; see M to J. Agardh, 15 February 1886.
Not in Algaebase. Silva, Basson & Moe (1996), p. 261, state that 'Mastophora rostrata is a manuscript name applied by J. Agardh in his herbarium to two speciens from Wesern Australia'.
S. lanceolatum.
The form opuntia is not listed in Algaebase.
Harvey in his distributed sets did not identify no. 571 to species level (Harvey [1857]).
This list commences on a separate sheet of paper, annotated in pencil in the upper margin by M 'Specimens named'. The parcel with these algae was dispatched from Melbourne with the same mail steamer as M to J. Agardh, 10 June 1884.
See Harvey (1857).
In the list of Wilson's species in J. Agardh to M, November 1882 (in this edition as 82-11-00a), no. 65 is given as 'Dictyota pinnatifida?'.
Described in Agardh (1890), p. 88.
Described in Agardh (1885), p. 100.
In the list of Wilson's species in J. Agardh to M, 23 August 1883 (in this edition as 83-08-00a), no. 84 is given as ' Delesseria sp. nov?'.
In Agardh’s list of Wilson's species in J. Agardh to M, 4 August 1883, no. 18 is given as Dasya villosa macroura, while in his list of Henry Watts' specimens, J. Agardh to M, 4 August 1883 (in this edition as 83-08-04a), no. 18 is given as 'unknown to me, perhaps new sp. of Nitophyllum'. Griffithsia, Daysa and Nitrophyllum are all in the same Order of red algae.
Hanowia in Algaebase but spelled Hanovia in Agardh (1848-1901), vol. 2, p. 5 and index, although given as Hanowia where the genus is described, p. 109.
Described in Agardh (1885), p. 52, pl. 1, fig. 4. The specimen MEL 1005795 bears Wilson's collection number on the sheet.
In J. Agardh to M, 4 August 1883, Wilson's no. 86 is given as ' Gigartina sp. ad Gig. grandifidam vel G. circumcuitam var. (= Gigart. radulae forma [Harv.?]'.
Myriodesma pinnatifidum was not published; see also J. Agardh to M, 4 August 1883 and 23 August 1883 (in this edition as 83-08-23).

Please cite as “FVM-84-09-14,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 28 April 2024,