To Graham Berry1    9 November 1884



The honorable Graham Berry &c

M.L.A., Chief Secretary.



I have the honor to solicit, that as now the 10th Decade of the Eucalyptography2 has been finally issued, a copy may be forwarded to each of the institutions or Gentlemen, mentioned in the byefollowing list in return for publications or for botanical collections continuously received from them by us here. The list is nearly the same as that of the recipients of the 9th Decade, the slight alterations made arising either from death of former cecients3 or from discontinuance of sendings of previous correspondents.

I have the honor to be,

Sir, your obedient servant

Ferd. von Mueller.


Proposed recipients of the 10th decade of the Eucalyptography from whom publications are received in interchange.


Academy of Natural Science Philadelphia

Academy of Science Goettingen

Academy of Science Munich

Acclimation Society Paris

Acclimation Society Palermo

Agricultural Society Algiers

Agri & Horticultural Society Calcutta

Chemical Society Vienna

Bailey, F. M. Brisbane.

Baillon, Professor Paris

Beccari, Dr Florence

Board of Health Washington

Botanical Society Copenhagen

" " Edinburgh

" " Hamburg

" " Berlin

Britten, J. London

Candolle, Professor Geneva

Caruel, Professor Florence

Cooper, Prof. Elw. Santa Barbara Calif.

Cornu, Prof. (Mus. d'Histoire Natur.) Paris

Cosson, Dr. Paris

Davis, G. Detroit

Dept. of Agriculture Washington

Eichler, Prof. Berlin

Editor of the Inquirer Perth

Ed. Albany Mail Albany

Ed. Queenslander Brisbane

Engler, Prof. Breslau

Fitzgerald, R. D. Sydney

Forest Department Adelaide

Fisher, W. (Indian Forester) Roorkee

Forrest, Hon. J. Perth4

Gardeners Gazette Erfurt

Geological Department Washington

Goeze, Dr. Greifswald5

Gray, Professor Asa Boston6

Henriques, Professor Coimbra

Hochstift (Academy) Frankfurt

Hooker, Sir Joseph Kew

Howitt, A. W. Sale

Husemann, Prof. Goettingen

Journal of Science Dunedin

Just, Professor Carlsruhe

King, Dr. Geo. Calcutta

Lange, Professor Copenhagen

Linnean Society London

Linnean Society Sydney

Luerssen, Prof. Leipzig

Masters, Dr. Maxwell London

Maximowicz, Prof. St Petersburg

Medical Society Melbourne

Meehan, Professor Philadelphia

Millardet, Prof. Bordeaux

Moore, Chas. Sydney

Morren, Prof. Liége

Natural History Society Mexico

Naudin, Prof Antibes

New Zealand Institute Wellington

O'Shanesy, P. Rockhampton7

Physiographic Society Lund

Planchon, Professor Montpellier

Regel, Dr. St Petersburg

Renard, Dr. Moscow

Royal Colonial Institute London

Royal Society London

Royal Society Melbourne

Royal Society Adelaide

Royal Society Brisbane

Royal Society Hobart

Royal Society Sydney

Royal Asiatic Society Singapore

Scheffler, Dr. Brunswick

Senkenberg Society Frankfurt

Simmonds, S L London

Smithsonian Institute Washington

Society for Culture Breslau

Society of Nat. History Butzow

Society of Nat. History Stuttgart

Tepper, O. Adelaide

Treub, Dr. Batavia

Trelease, Professor Detroit

Todaro, Prof. Palermo

Uhleworm, Dr. Cassel

Wawra, Dr. Vienna

Woolls, Rev. Dr. Richmond

Wittmack, Prof. Berlin

Warren, Colonel San Francisco

Proposed recipients from whom collections have been received

Edgar, J. Rockhampton; Fawcett, C., Sydney; Ficalho, Prof. Lisbon; Krichauff, F., Adelaide; Thozet, Mrs. Rockhampton; Baker, J. G., London; Shann, F. Port Denison; Wuerfel, A., Bourke.

9/11/84. F.v.M.8

List accompanying M's letter written by G. Luehmann. See also E. Thomas to M, 24 December 1884.
recipients? The word is broken at the end of a line.
Fraser, Hon. M. Perth deleted and note added by the Government Printer, J. Ferres:Col Secy supplied.
Govt. Statist Melbourne deleted and note added: already supplied.
Heurck, Dr. H. Antwerp deleted and note added: Director Bot Gardens supplied.
Pharmaceutical Society Melbourne deleted and note added: Already supplied.
The Under Secretary, T. Wilson, submitted M's list for the approval of the Premier, J. Service, on 12 November 1884. On 21 November the Secretary to the Premier, E. Thomas asked: 'Will the Government Printer please state whether any distribution of the 10th Decade has already taken place, and if so under what instructions and to whom?' The Government Printer, J. Ferres, replied on 27 November: 'Copies of the 10th Decade have been distributed, as per attached list.' Thomas reiterated on 1 December: 'The Government Printer has not replied to the latter part of my minute'. Ferres responded on 2 December: 'The answer is given in the heading of the list'. Thomas asserted on 2 December: 'Instructions were given that presentations were to be made only on the Premiers authority and there is no record of any such authority being issued for these presentations.' Ferres replied on 5 December: 'The 10th Decade completes the work and in conversation with Mr Thomas, I pointed out this fact; and understood that the supply would be made on the authorities already in existence. It was, of course, understood that no new presentations would be made without the Premier's authority.' Service approved M's list on 16 December.

Please cite as “FVM-84-11-09,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 27 April 2024,