From Jacob Agardh1    30 April 1885

Lund Schweden

30/4 85.

Hochgeehrter Herr Baron!

Es ist jetzt geraume Zeit lange her dass Sie von mir hörten; doch bin ich noch immer mit Algen, und zwar besonders mit australischen Algen thätig gewesen. Einigen Gattungen (Sargassen) habe ich mit vorliebe besondere Studien gewidmet; bedaure aber sehr dass eben von diesen, — welche als jung und alt, oben und unten oft ganz verschieden scheinen — beynahe immer nur Bruchstücke in den Sammlungen vorkommen. Über die Florideen habe ich neulich an unsere Acta univers. Lundensis eine Abhandlung überliefert welche theils einige Beobachtungen über Systematik und Genera theils Beschreibungen der neuen Arten besonders von Australien die mir in der letzten Zeit vorgekommen sind, enthalten wird.

Während der langen Zeit sind mir verschiedene kleinere Sendungen zugekommen, über welche Ich Ihnen heute Auskunft geben wünschte. In mehreren von diesen Sammlungen habe ich nur ganz gewöhnliche Species gefunden und weil die pakete oft von allen Seiten durch gestochen (bei Quarantain Behandlung) waren, kommen die Algen öfters nur in fragmente gebrochen vor. Ich habe demnach geglaubt dass solche Algen Ihnen von keinem Werth seyn mögten. Dagegen vermuthe ich dass es Ihnen wünschenswerth wäre zu wissen welche Algen in die verschiedene localitäten gefunden wären, und habe ich deshalb eine möglichst vollständige Verzeichnis der in diese Sammlungen enthaltene Species ausgeschrieben, welche Sie hier eingeschlossen finden werden.

Unter den Algen von Israeliten Bay waren dagegen mehrere von Interesse und sogar einige, die mir und wie ich glaube auch der Wissenschaft neu sind; leider aber in einzelne exemplare nur gefunden. Die eine ist eine neue Rhodophyllis die ich Rh. Brookeana genant2 habe, durch besondere Structur sehr ausgezeichnet; die andere eine neue Cliftonea Cl. imbricata! — Von den beyden sende ich Ihnen so gute Bruchstücke als der gegenwärtige Vorrath erlaubt. — Es ist sonderbar dass diese wunderbar gebauten Cliftonea-formen so selten vorkommen! Wenn Sie von den anderen in der Verzeichnis genannten Arten Exemplare wünschen solten so bitte ich mir möglichst bald darüber auskunft zu erhalten.

Die Algen von Norfolk Island sind noch nicht von mir genauer untersucht. Ich [h]abe doch gesehen dass die nur von dieser Localität [gekannte] Plocamium hamatum, in der Samlung vorhanden sei und auch davon sende ich Ihnen heute ein[es]. die übrigen scheinen mehr gewöhnliche formen anzuhören.3


Lund Sweden

30 April 1885.

Highly esteemed Baron,

It has been a long time since you have heard from me, but I have still been occupied with algae, and Australian algae in particular. I have subjected some genera (Sargassum) for which I have a special liking to detailed studies, but regret very much that of these, — which often appear quite different as juvenile or old specimens, and from top or bottom4 — nearly always only fragments are contained in the collections. I have recently sent a paper on the Florideae to our Acta Univ. lundensis 5 that contains partly some observations on systematics and genera, and partly descriptions of new species, particularly from Australia, that I received in recent times.

During this long period several smaller collections have arrived, and today I want to provide you with information on these. In several of these collections I found only very common species, and because the parcels were often pierced on all sides (during the quarantine treatment), the algae are frequently found broken into fragments. Consequently I thought that such algae would be of no value to you. However, I assume it would be desirable for you to know which algae were found in the various localities, and for this reason I have compiled as complete a list as possible, which you will find enclosed herewith, of the species contained in the collections.

Among the algae from Israelite Bay,6 however, were several of interest, and even some that are new to me and, I believe, also new to science, but unfortunately only found in single specimens. One of them is a new Rhodophyllis, which I named R. brookeana, strongly characterised by its particular structure.7 The other is a new Cliftonaea, C. imbricata!8 — Of these two species I am sending you fragments as good as the existing collections permit. It is strange, that these wonderfully structured Cliftonaea species are so rarely found! If you wish to have specimens of the other named species in the list, I ask that you let me know as soon as possible.

I have not yet made a thorough examination of the algae from Norfolk Island. However, I did notice that the Plocamium hamatum, known only from this locality, is represented in the collection, and I am enclosing today some of this for you also. The others seem to belong to more common species.


Algae a Bar. F. de Mueller missae 1884-5.

[Algae sent by Baron F. von Mueller 1884-5]


1. Loco natali non expresso (forsan e Cap. Hawke)

[Place of origin not stated (perhaps from Cape Hawke)]9

Martensia gigas Harv.


2. Cap. Hawke

Ecklonia radiata

Phyllospora comosa

Sargassum spinuligerum

Cystophyllum muricatum

Curdiaea10 laciniata.






3. Eucla, N. Sth. Wales, Oliver.11

Caulerpa Cactoides

Ecklonia radiata

Scytothalia dorycarpa

Scaberia Agardhi

Cystophora racemosa

— — — — retroflexa

folia Sargassi — — — ?

Laurencia Forsteri

Thuretia Quercifolia

Plocamium Preissianum

fragmenta Hanoviae12

— — — Dasyae.


4. Port Jackson, 13 Ramsay 14

Macrocystis Dubeni Aresch.


5. Queenscliff 15

Corallina Cuvieri


6. Deal Island near Tasmania, 16 Judge Dobson 17

Zoophyta (plurima)

Sphacelaria paniculata

Corallina Cuvierii

Plocamium (fragment)

Peyssonellia18 australis

Gelidium asperum

Pterocladia lucida.


7. Lutitt bay 19 Mrs Beal

Kallymenia sp. K. Tasmanicae fragm.?

Martensia Gigas

Bellotia Eriophorum.


8 near St. Vincents gulf. 20 Tepper.




fragmenta non determ.

11.21 Cape Portland, Tasmania Miss Baudinet

Sphacelaria paniculata

Zonaria Turneriana

Fucodium chondrophyllum

Cystophora monilifera

Ballia scoparia

Plocamium costatum

— — — — angustum

Dasyphila Preissii S.

Callophyllis coccinea Harv.

— — — — carnea var. J. Ag.

— — — — Lambertii

Areschougia Laurencia

Phacelocarpus apodus.

Nitophyllum pristoideum

Laurencia elata

Ptilonia australasica

Gelidium australe

Hymenocladiae fragm.


12. Cap Hawke, coast near Bulladelah 22 — C. H. Fawcett.

Fragmenta diversa, non determ.

Amphiroae, Enteromorphae,

Zonariae nigresc.23; Cystophylli

muricati, Sargassii —


13 Norfolk Island Isaac Robinson

(not yet exactly examined).


14. East of King Georges Sound 24 1884.

Codium Muelleri

Dictyota paniculata

Scytothalia dorycarpa


Brownii (?)



Sargassum (fragn.)

Delisea pulchra

Pterocladia lucida


Polyzonia incisa

Ptilota coralloidea







Amphiroa Charoides

Corallina Cuvierii

Plocamium Preissianum

— — nidificum

— — procerum.


List of Algae from Cape Hawke New South Wales, Ch. Fawcett.

Phyllospora comosa

Zanardinia marginata J Ag.

Gelidium corneum

Halyseris Acrostichoides J Ag.

Sargassum sp, near to S. vestitum

fragm. of other


Jania sp.

Amphiroa sp.


List of Algae from Mouth of Bloomfield River, 25 Miss Bauer.

Galaxaura sp. (perhaps G. Janioides Lamx) near to G. cylindrica)

Gracilaria lichenoides

Corallopsis Durvillei26 (Hydropuntia Durvillei Mont.)

Halimeda macroloba Harv.

incrassata Harv.

Valonia Confervoides Harv.

Zonaria nigrescens Sond.

Cystophyllum muricatum



lophocarpum J Ag.


many fragments of different species


27 List of Algae from Hobson bay 28 — H. Watts.

1. Sarcomenia Victoriae

2. Cladophora near to Clad. Bainesii Harv.

3. Dictyota sp. (sterilis vix determ. = D. dichotoma auct.

4. Caloglossa Leprieurii Mont.

5. Dasya elongata Sond.

6. Wrangelia Ballioides J Ag.

7. Cladophora sp. (Cl. gracilis H.)

8. Nitophyllum affine Harv.

9. Erythroclonium Muelleri Sond.

10 Rhodophyllis tenuifolia?

11. Ceramium rubrum Auct. without sphaerosporae not to be determined.

12. Rhabdonia verticillata

13. Champia obsoleta

14. Acrotylus australis

15. Sargassum lophocarpum

16-7. Sargassum Sonderi J Ag.

18. folia inferiora Sargassi biformis.


Lund, 1885

J G Agardh


Acrotylus australis

Amphiroa Charoides

Areschougia Laurencia

Ballia scoparia

Bellotia Eriophorum.

Callophyllis carnea

Callophyllis coccinea

Callophyllis Lambertii

Caloglossa Leprieurii

Caulerpa Cactoides

Ceramium rubrum

Champia obsoleta

Cladophora Bainesii

Cladophora gracilis

Cliftonaea imbricata

Codium Muelleri


Corallina Cuvierii

Corallopsis Durvillei

Curdiaea laciniata.

Cystophora Brownii

Cystophora monilifera

Cystophora racemosa

Cystophora retroflexa

Cystophyllum muricatum

Dasya elongata

Dasyphila Preissii

Delisea pulchra

Dictyota dichotoma

Dictyota paniculata

Ecklonia radiata


Erythroclonium Muelleri

Fucodium chondrophyllum

Galaxaura cylindrica

Galaxaura Janioides

Gelidium asperum

Gelidium australe

Gelidium corneum

Gracilaria lichenoides

Halimeda macroloba

Halimeda incrassata

Halyseris Acrostichoides


Hydropuntia Durvillei



Kallymenia Tasmanica

Laurencia elata

Laurencia Forsteri

Laurencia luxurians

Macrocystis Dubeni

Martensia gigas

Nitophyllum affine

Nitophyllum pristoideum

Peyssonellia australis

Phacelocarpus apodus

Phyllospora comosa

Plocamium angustum

Plocamium costatum

Plocamium nidificum

Plocamium Preissianum

Plocamium procerum

Polyzonia incisa

Pterocladia lucida

Ptilonia australasica

Ptilota coralloidea

Rhabdonia verticillata

Rhodophyllis brookeana

Rhodophyllis tenuifolia

Sarcomenia Victoriae

Sargassum baccularia

Sargassum decurrens

Sargassum lophocarpum

Sargassum Sonderi

Sargassum spinuligerum

Sargassum vestitum

Scaberia Agardhi

Scytothalia dorycarpa

Sphacelaria paniculata


Thuretia Quercifolia

Valonia Confervoides

Wrangelia Ballioides

Zanardinia marginata

Zonaria nigrescens

MS appears to be a draft copy that was not posted. However, a good copy of this date was sent; for reply see M to Agardh, 15 June 1885. The list appended to the text is held at RB MSS M108a, Library, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, and may not be the one to which Agardh refers in his letter. However, the reference to the Norfolk Island specimens makes it likely that it is.
The basal parts of Sargassum are usually very different from the upper parts of the frond.
Agardh (1885) pp. 1-120, pl. 1.
WA. Collected by Sarah Brooks. Specimens from Israelite Bay do not appear on the list but may have been on the page that is apparently missing.
See Agardh (1885), p. 54. See also M to J. Agardh, 15 June 1885.
Agardh seems not to have published this species; see De Toni (1889-1924), vol. 4, pp. 1038-40.
Cape Hawke, NSW? MS annotation by M: 'Fawcett'.
Eucla is on the south coast of WA, not in NSW. Several members of the Oliver family seem to have collected for M.
Hanowia in Algaebase, but spelled Hanovia in Agardh (1848-1901), vol 2, p. 5 and index, although given as Hanowia where the genus is described, p. 109.
Edward Ramsay.
Island in Bass Strait.
William Lambert Dobson (1833-1898).
Loutitt Bay, Lorne, Vic. This collection was sent by M with his letter to J. Agardh, 30 December 1883.
There may be a page missing in the MS (items number 9 and 10).
Bulahdelah, NSW.
Corallopsis urvillei? Hydropuntia urvillei?
MS annotation by M above this line: 'Specimens named'.

Please cite as “FVM-85-04-30,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 27 April 2024,