From Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Danzig1    20 October 1886


Naturforschende Gesellschaft

zu Danzig


hat in ihrer heutigen Versammlung

Herrn Baron Ferdinand von Müller, Gouvernements Botaniker und Director des Botanischen Gartens in Melbourne

zu ihrem

correspondirenden Mitgliede


und erwartet von demselben

als einem anerkannten Freunde ihrer Wissenschaft

die möglichste Theilnahme an ihren Bestrebungen.


Zur Urkunde dessen

ist gegenwärtiges Diplom mit dem grossen Siegel der Gesellschaft versehen und vom Director wie auch vom Secretair eigenhändig unterschrieben worden.


Danzig den 20ten October 1886

Der Director.

Professor Dr Bail.

Der Secretair.



The Natural History Society in Danzig


has in its meeting today elected Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, Government Botanist and Director of the Botanical Garden in Melbourne as its Corresponding Member and expects from him as an acknowledged friend of its science the most participation possible in its endeavours.

In witness whereof the present diploma has been provided with the great seal of the society and signed in their own hands by the director as well as the secretary.


Danzig, 20 October 1886

The Director.

Professor Dr Bail.

The Secretary.


MS is a certificate with a decorative border and bearing the seal of the Society between the signatures.

Please cite as “FVM-86-10-20,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 28 April 2024,